Entries by fbadmin1

Q&A – 31 May 2021

Application for parentage of a child I impregnated a woman 10 years back but have never provided maintenance costs for the child since she was born, nor have I declared to anybody that I am the biological father of the child. My child’s mother passed away recently and the child is now staying with her […]

Selling of prescription medicine

During this time of COVID-19 some people have been buying Azithromycin and other drugs without any form of prescription for self-medication in case they are symptomatic. Don’t we have any law that regulates the business of selling medicine to final consumers? In other countries a pharmacist cannot sell certain types of drugs to the final […]

Impregnating a schoolgirl

My son aged 17 years is charged with an offence of impregnating a schoolgirl who is apparently aged 19 years. I wonder why my son is being charged while the girl consented, and why the girl is not charged for having sexual intercourse with someone below the age of 18 years? Why does the law […]

Q&A – 24 May 2021

Impregnating a schoolgirl My son aged 17 years is charged with an offence of impregnating a schoolgirl who is apparently aged 19 years. I wonder why my son is being charged while the girl consented, and why the girl is not charged for having sexual intercourse with someone below the age of 18 years? Why […]

Q&A – 17 May 2021

Presumption of death My father was fisherman. Last year he and his colleague left home and went to the ocean for fishing. Since then, we have never heard from him or his colleagues. Considering it was windy the day they left home, we suspect their canoe might have capsized and they must have died in […]

Selling Helmeted Guinea Fowl

I am a small entrepreneur who sells chicken and Helmeted Guinea Fowls at our local market. My friends inform me that it is illegal to sell Helmeted Guinea Fowls. Is there any truth in this? PE, Dar Helmeted Guinea Fowl known as Kanga in Kiswahili, although commonly raised in many households in Tanzania, is a […]

Q&A – 10 May 2021

Corporal punishment in schools My son aged 6 years has refused to go to school because his class teacher strikes him. Do we have any law that regulates administration of corporal punishment in schools? Does the law allow striking a child who is only 6 years old? I find this a colonial practice which has […]

Pension to inmates

My father worked for the Government until he retired at the age of 60 years. He was paid a lump sum amount and was then under monthly pension. In September last year he was convicted of an offence that he committed after retirement and since third quarter last year the Pension Fund has stopped paying […]

Careless spread of Covid

Is there any specific law for Covid-19? If a person who has contacted a Covid patient goes to the public without wearing a face mask or he shakes hands with others and infects them, can that conduct amounts to any crime known under our laws? I know of a fellow employee who knew he was […]

Q&A – 3 May 2021

Careless spread of Covid Is there any specific law for Covid-19? If a person who has contacted a Covid patient goes to the public without wearing a face mask or he shakes hands with others and infects them, can that conduct amounts to any crime known under our laws? I know of a fellow employee […]

Payment for work during leave

My employer assigned me work during my annual leave. I now want him to pay me double gross salary for the month I worked during my leave but HR is refusing to pay me on grounds that leave pay does not include allowances. Can you guide me on how leave pay is computed? Is it […]

Execution of fine and compensation orders

If a person is convicted by Court to serve jail term, pay a fine and pay compensation to the victim of the crime but the offender fails to pay the fine and/or compensation, how can the fine and/or compensation be enforced against the offender? PL, Dar It is important to note that fine and compensation […]