Watching porn from a laptop computer

I am a Tanzanian living abroad where people are allowed to watch porn. All my porn videos are in my laptop computer and I want to visit Tanzania soon. Is it a crime to have porn in my computer? I know many of my Tanzanian friends secretly watch porn and there are latest videos I’d also like to share with them when there. Kindly guide.
AL, Europe

Section 14 of the Cybercrimes Act, 2015 prohibits publication of pornography in the computer system or other modes of information and communication technology. The Act defines publish quite widely as distributing, transmitting, disseminating, circulating, delivering, exhibit, exchanging, barter, printing, copying, selling or offering sell, letting on hire or offering to let on hire, offering in any way or making available in any way. Doing any of the above acts amount to publishing porno and if you do it you are committing a crime and you shall be liable to a fine not less than 30M shillings or imprisonment for a term not less than 10 years or to both. A mere possession of a computer containing porno or mere watching porno alone on a computer without doing any of the mentioned acts can be argued as not committing this offence (law enforcement might think otherwise), but sharing porn with your friends is certainly an offence.