Entries by fbadmin1

Watching porn from a laptop computer

I am a Tanzanian living abroad where people are allowed to watch porn. All my porn videos are in my laptop computer and I want to visit Tanzania soon. Is it a crime to have porn in my computer? I know many of my Tanzanian friends secretly watch porn and there are latest videos I’d […]

Q&A – 28 June 2021

Cheating that unmarried for sex Two years ago I was approached by a man who told me that he wanted to marry me assuring me that he is unmarried. Believing him I agreed to start a relationship and we have been living together in one house as husband and wife for two years now though […]

Setting aside plea agreement

Four years back I was charged with an unbailable economic offence. Prosecution could not complete the investigation for 3 years. Every time I was taken to Court, the prosecutor was telling the Court that investigation was still underway and also telling the Court that if I was ready for plea agreement the case could be […]

Q&A – 21 June 2021

Setting aside plea agreement Four years back I was charged with an unbailable economic offence. Prosecution could not complete the investigation for 3 years. Every time I was taken to Court, the prosecutor was telling the Court that investigation was still underway and also telling the Court that if I was ready for plea agreement […]

Presentation of forged certificate

Three months ago our company advertised vacancies for drivers. In the advertisement we listed qualifications for the position, one being a form four graduate with a valid form four academic certificate. In the course of shortlisting the applicants we have realised that there are applicants who presented to us forged certificates purporting to have been […]

Q&A – 14 June 2021

Selling HIV self-testing kits to under 18 year old My son aged 16 went to a pharmacy and bought a HIV self-testing kit. After undertaking self-test he confirmed himself positive and attempted to commit suicide. I am upset with the seller. Does the law allow selling such kits to children below the age of 18? […]

Consideration in cash

I sold my small plot to a friend who paid me the purchase price with the latest model phone. My tax consultant said that payments must be in shillings and not by way of barter? I also wish to pay the taxes on the transfer by way of an asset and not cash. Kindly guide […]

Interest rate on delayed land compensation

Our lands were acquired three years back in order to pave way for a public project. The ministry responsible for the project brought valuers to conduct valuation but to date we have not been paid compensation. After commencement of valuation exercise we were stopped by the Government not to carry out any further development on […]

Q&A – 7 June 2021

Presumption of spouse’s death My husband left Tanzania for overseas to look for employment. In the first five months of his arrival overseas he was phoning me almost every two days. Now it is 4 years and he has not phoned and I have also failed to reach him. Even his parents are asking me […]

Period for erection of a building

In 2016 I was given a building permit by the Municipal Council to start erecting a building on my plot. Because my business was not doing well, I was unable to start the project till January this year. Surprisingly, the Municipal Authority has served me with a letter ordering me to stop the project with […]

Q&A – 31 May 2021

Application for parentage of a child I impregnated a woman 10 years back but have never provided maintenance costs for the child since she was born, nor have I declared to anybody that I am the biological father of the child. My child’s mother passed away recently and the child is now staying with her […]

Selling of prescription medicine

During this time of COVID-19 some people have been buying Azithromycin and other drugs without any form of prescription for self-medication in case they are symptomatic. Don’t we have any law that regulates the business of selling medicine to final consumers? In other countries a pharmacist cannot sell certain types of drugs to the final […]

Impregnating a schoolgirl

My son aged 17 years is charged with an offence of impregnating a schoolgirl who is apparently aged 19 years. I wonder why my son is being charged while the girl consented, and why the girl is not charged for having sexual intercourse with someone below the age of 18 years? Why does the law […]