Entries by fbadmin1

Q&A – 28 December 2020

Teacher misguiding student My wife with whom I am separated, intentionally teaches our child wrong stuff, trying to prove her point. For example in math, the mum would give all wrong answers to the child. She recently told the child that she has the switch to turn on the sun in the morning and switch […]

Hazardous work for pregnant woman

I am a technician in a company where I have been working for about four years now. Although the foreman knows that I am presently expecting and my due date is in the next two months, he has been assigning very hard jobs to me where I have to stand for long hours. I know […]

Q&A – 21 December 2020

Conducting religious activities without registration I own a registered church outside Tanzania and want to come to Tanzania early next year on an evangelical mission. Does the law allow foreigners to preach in Tanzania? FJ, Unknown The Societies Act [Cap.337 R.E 2002] allows foreigners to preach in Tanzania but for the priest to lawfully preach, […]

Q&A – 14 December 2020

Legality of security groups formed by political parties We see security groups of all kind of ‘colour’ guards and others of that nature formed by political parties. Does the law allow political parties to form their own security groups? Are these political parties’ security groups not usurping functions of the Police and other security organs? […]

Q&A – 7 December 2020

Legalisation of ‘Bangi’ I have read in the media that the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes has removed cannabis sativa (bhang or bangi) from the list of narcotic drugs following recommendations made to it by the World Health Organisation (WHO). I find WHO quite strange and agree with President Donald Trump that the […]

Q&A – 30 November 2020

Kissing a woman without consent After having too many drinks, I ended up lip kissing a woman in a bar. I did apologise but it seems like she intends to report this to the police. Is being drunk a defence to this? This is the third time this has happened to me whilst drunk and […]

Q&A – 23 November 2020

Creating artificial shortage of commodities Is it a crime if local manufacturers or producers of commodities reduce the production in order to create artificial shortage in order to raise the price for his unfair profit gain? JK, Mwanza Creating artificial shortage of commodities in the course of production is not a crime but creating shortage […]

Q&A – 16 November 2020

Donation of dead body I do not wish to be buried when I die and want to donate my eyes and other organs to those in need. I also want my body to be used for medical or other research. Can I provide for this in my Will and can any of my family members […]

Q&A – 9 November 2020

Fake guarantee of jobs by University I saw an advert from a university that said all their graduates get jobs. Infact the advert said 100% job guaranteed. I studied there and this is the third year, am jobless. I have paid millions of shillings to this institute and want to sue them for misrepresentation, recover […]

Q&A – 2 November 2020

Smoking in entertainment facilities There are people who smoke in bars without considering that they are affecting heath of non-smokers who drink beside them. Is this not a crime? In other countries smoking is strictly dealt with. UT, Dar Tanzania also has strong anti-smoking laws, maybe not strictly enforced but they do exist. Smoking in […]

Q&A – 26 October 2020

Sexual favour as economic offence I recently read in social media that a lecturer at a public university was charged with an economic offence for demanding sexual favours from a student. How does a sexual favour affect the national economy to make an offence ‘economic’? PF, Dar Demanding or imposing sexual favour as a pre-condition […]

Q&A – 19 October 2020

Plea bargaining of a drug offence My friend is incarcerated in prison and charged with trafficking in narcotic drug namely bhang. He has asked me to seek your opinion if it is possible for him to initiate a plea bargaining. He would also like to know the possible penalty that the Court is likely to […]

Q&A – 12 October 2020

Fraudulent transfer of credit in electronic account If someone fraudulently transfer credit from my mobile account or my bank account to his or someone else’s account, does that not amount to stealing? I was shockingly told that it doesn’t. HG, DSM No, it does not amount to stealing but it is still a criminal offence. […]

Q&A – 5 October 2020

20 year imprisonment for hunting impala My cousin was convicted of unlawful hunting of impala. He hunted only one impala for family consumption. He was found in possession of a skin and ten kilograms of impala he hunted. Last week he was sentenced to twenty years imprisonment by the court. This sentence looks excessive to […]

Q&A – 28 September 2020

Adult woman exploiting a child sexually I have heard that there are adult women who induce or force boys under the age of 18 to have sexual intercourse with them. Doesn’t that act amount to an offence of rape? PL, Arusha In terms of section 130 of the Penal Code, rape is committed by a […]

Q&A – 21 September 2020

Jurisdiction of ward tribunals for offence of smoking bhang My neighbour is charged before a Ward Tribunal with an offence of smoking bhang. I am curious to know which law gives such Ward Tribunals power to try the offence of smoking bhang. Secondly, what are the rules of evidence and procedures that govern criminal trials […]

Q&A – 14 September 2020

Fake EFD receipt My uncle is a supplies officer working for one of the public parastatals. He is being accused of forgery of an EFD receipt which he submitted to his accounting officer purporting to show that he bought stationeries worth TZS 10M from one of their suppliers. An inquiry done by the Corporation revealed […]