Entries by fbadmin1

Q&A – 10 July 2023

Land ownership in name of minor I recently lost an uncle and have seen how his wife, children and other close relatives have been fighting for his properties to the extent that there is now a Court case. I do not want my children to face the same agony when I am gone and would […]

Right to use well water

We have been fetching water from our neighbour’s well for more than thirty years. Unfortunately, the neighbour passed away a month ago. We are now in trouble as the older son of the deceased owner of the well has started to erect a fence around the well and doesn’t want us to draw water from […]

Growing bhang as fodder crop

I am told that local discovery shows goats like eating leaves of cannabis sativa and it gives them immunity against many diseases. I keep a big number of goats for business and I would like to know the process I can follow to be allowed to grow bhang as a fodder crop. Please note this […]

Q&A – 3 July 2023

Child born out of wedlock I am married but had a child born out of wedlock with another woman. The child passed away and our head of HR refused a compassionate leave to attend the burial on the ground that the name of the deceased child does not appear in the list of my children […]

Q&A – 26 June 2023

Use of advocate in disciplinary hearing I have been served with a disciplinary charge by my employer and ordered to answer the charges in writing within seven days from the date of receipt of the charge. I would like to know what the procedure will look like and do I have the right to engage […]

Casual labourers claim paid leave

We have a company that deals in purchase and export of agricultural produce. During the harvest season, which lasts for four months every year, we recruit casual labourers to pack the agricultural produce in sacks and load the sacks in trucks ready for transport to the export ports. In the recruitment process we prefer casual labourers […]

Forfeiting onerous bequests

My father was a Christian who died testate after he bequeathed me two houses. One of those houses is encumbered as he died before liquidating a loan he had taken from one of the commercial banks. He stated in the Will that the legatees of encumbered legacies should fulfill the respective obligations in case he […]

License for selling dogs

I am very passionate about animal keeping, especially dogs. For many years I have seen young men selling puppies along the roads in some parts of Dar es Salaam and Arusha. I love companion animals and it upsets me to see puppies mistreated by exposing them in the sun and without feeding them properly. In […]

Q&A – 19 June 2023

Detained in police station for traffic offence I was stopped by police officers who shockingly did an alcohol test on me. The results were positive and I got arrested and spent the night in police custody. Can they arrest me for this offence? Could they just not have fined me and let me go? Is […]

Expatriate leaving country before giving evidence

Recently I was interrogated by a law enforcement agent in connection with a criminal offence which was allegedly committed by my company in the course of its business. The investigator told me that the investigation is still underway and I don’t know when the investigation will be concluded. My key witness is an expatriate whose […]

Q&A – 12 June 2023

Herbal Medicine for sexual desire I bought herbal medicine after I saw it being advertised through radio and television that it is effective in boosting men’s sexual desire and energy. However, after taking the doze as prescribed by the traditional healer, my sexual energy and desire has not improved. It has also made me even […]

Goldsmith cheating in grammage

I have been buying gold ornaments for years from a particular goldsmith (sonara) in Dar who has always been giving me great discounts. Three months ago, I went and bought two sets of earrings. After I left the sonara, I was unsure of the grammage of the earrings and I went back to get each […]

Getting out of a contract

One of my relatives has entered into a crazy contract and wants to get out of it? What does he need to do? Can the contact be nullified? PO, MorogoroIf your relative wishes to get out of a contract, the options available to them will depend on various factors, such as the specific terms of […]

Q&A – 5 June 2023

Wife to be, rejects me I got engaged to a woman who has now changed her mind. I have spent a lot of time planning the marriage only to be met with this new resistance. How can you help me? I could have married a very rich girl had it not been for this engagement. […]

Compensation for lost baggage

My daughter is pursuing secondary education. In her last mid-term vacation, while traveling back to school by bus, a distance of about 100km, her bag was lost. In fact, when she disembarked from the bus, she found a bag similar to hers but the contents inside were different. She asked the bus conductor who recalled […]

Stealing or concealing a Will

My father died one year ago at the age of sixty five. He left two wives, my mother and my step mother whom he engaged with for about ten years before his death. He is survived by five children from my mother and a young boy from my step mother. Before his death my father […]

Q&A – 29 May 2023

Enforcing decree in favour of deceased person Our mother successfully sued a person who called her a prostitute. However she died immediately after lodging the application for execution. Can the administrator of her estate continue the application for execution of the decree? Please guide us because we are getting advice that since our mother who […]

Employees demand smoking room in office

Our employees, through their trade union, have formally lodged a claim for a smoking room within the office premises. They claim that the employer is obliged to set aside a smoking room for employees who smoke. We would like to hear from you if an employer has an obligation to set aside a room just […]

Paying fine for killing unintentionally

I am charged with an offence of manslaughter and I am thinking of entering into a plea bargaining with the Prosecutor for me to pay a fine as an alternative sentence instead of serving life imprisonment which I am told is the maximum penalty for the offence of killing unintentionally (manslaughter). However, I doubt if […]

Q&A – 22 May 2023

Employee claims payment in form of alcohol We are an alcoholic beverages distributor, distributing different types of alcoholic drinks in Tanzania. We pay our employees overtime allowance and bonuses according to the Company Policy. One of our staff has approached us requesting the Company to pay him his overtime allowance and bonus in the form […]

Simba, Yanga fans, and car alarms causing hell

In our residential area we are being disturbed by two things: sound from a car alarm, and post-match cheering from football clubs’ fans especially Simba Sports Club and Yanga Sports Club when the two teams play. Our neighbor has installed a car alarm in his reconditioned cheap car and whenever anything passes by even if […]