Entries by fbadmin1

Q&A – 23 October 2023

Minimum Local Shareholding for Mineral Right Holders I am a newly appointed Chief Operations Officer of a certain mining company incorporated abroad. Our company is planning to extend its mining activities to Tanzania. In conducting our remote due diligence prior to coming to Tanzania, we came across the Mining (Minimum Shareholding and Public Offering) Regulations, 2016 which […]

IP rights without registration

We are a leading pharmaceutical company based in Asia. Our company manufactures and exports pharmaceutical products to many African countries including Tanzania under our company’s brand name, where our product is very famous. It has recently come to our knowledge that one Tanzanian company manufactures and sells the same products under the name identical to […]

Publishing of tax defaulter names

I am a famous artist in Tanzania and held very high in society. Some years ago, like most other businessmen, I had an issue with the TRA which I resolved but after a heavy battle. I continue to pay my instalments but recently have been told that names of those who have committed a tax […]

Registration of patent

My friend and I have invented a new method of irrigation. We want this method to be introduced in Tanzania but wish to patent this under our names. I heard that in Tanzania there are two registries, one in Tanzania mainland and another in Zanzibar. Do we need to register our patent in both registries? […]

Q&A – 16 October 2023

Time limitation for TRA to issue assessment Is there no limit within which the Tanzania Revenue Authority must issue an assessment? I have received an assessment in the last 2 months for taxes dating back in 2013. HG, Morogoro This is covered under section 48(4) of the Tax Administration Act, Cap. 438 R.E 2019 (TAA) […]

Casual labourer claims paid maternity leave

We have casual labourers who have been working for us for about sixteen months to work on our farm. All these employees are new in the sense that they have not worked for us before. One of the casuals who became pregnant after recruitment has applied for paid maternity leave for 84 days. Is a […]

Q&A – 9 October 2023

Time limit for suing administrator My uncle died in a car accident which was attributed to the recklessness of the driver who was trying to overtake in a corner. As a result of the wrongful overtaking, the car boarded by my uncle collided with another car which was heading in the opposite direction. The driver […]

Reimbursement of fare for remaining distance

I was travelling to my native village with the entire family. Firstly, we were embarrassed before departure as the bus was delayed for almost two hours. Secondly, while on route, the bus underwent two breakdowns. The second breakdown resulted in us having to stay on the roadside for five hours though we were only fifty […]

Q&A – 2 October 2023

Employer notifying public on termination I believe that a notice published as a Public Notice “to inform general public that Mr. so and so is no longer an employee of the employer company and hence he is not authorized to transact any business in relation to the company and the company shall not be held […]

Corporal punishment in schools

My son aged 6 years has refused to go to school because his class teacher strikes him. Do we have any law that regulates administration of corporal punishment in schools? Does the law allow striking a child who is only 6 years old? I find this a colonial practice which has no room in our […]

Corporal punishment by Court

What is the procedure for imposition and infliction of corporal punishment imposed by the Court? Does the law limit the maximum number of strokes that can be imposed by the Court? Can corporal punishment be imposed for any offence? Is it legal to impose this primitive punishment in this era? PP, Tanga The Procedure for […]

Online suppliers of services

There are so many online providers of various services in Mwanza but their physical address and registration status is unknown. Is there no requirement for consumers to know who they are and where they operate from? I say so as many of these service providers don’t deliver what they promise and it is impossible to […]

Q&A – 25 September 2023

Minimum age of student pilot I have completed my O levels and intend to start training as a pilot. My cousin informs me that I can only do so once I complete A levels and attain the age of 20 years. Is there no fast track way of getting at least a student licence so […]

Refusal of creditor to accept money

A few years back I borrowed money from a friend of mine, payable with interest six months down the line. When the payment date came, I went to him but he refused to take the money for unclear reasons. At first, it seemed like a friendly gesture, but then it did not seem to be […]

Suing a cigarette company

My daughter, at sixteen years now, is vibrant and a celebrity. She has been an ambassador of different products and brands since when she turned fourteen years and she features in different televisions and outdoor billboard adverts. Recently, a reputable cigarette company started a process of engaging her for a two-year contract as an ambassador […]

Q&A – 18 September 2023

Stepmother wants to marry me After my mum died, my father married a young lady who was my classmate. The marriage of my father and my step mother persisted for eight years and it was blessed with two children. My father died six months ago and I am now getting all the signs from my […]

Failure to register foreign loan

I work for a company which deals with the importation and sale of motor vehicles from China, Japan, UK and other countries. Due to the recent scarcity of USD in Tanzania which affects our business considering we pay the manufacturers and distributors in USD, we resolved to process a USD loan from one of our […]

Q&A – 11 September 2023

Remarrying to former spouse I lived in a happy marriage for over 20 years. However, six years ago things went bad and I divorced my husband. By the time the divorce was issued, our children were adults already. Recently, in the course of organizing a send-off party with my former husband for our daughter, we […]

Marrying a foreign woman

I am working with an organisation in the Lake Zone. There is one beautiful expatriate lady who has fallen deeply in love with me. The lady is my officemate and her tenure in Tanzania will expire mid this year. She loves Tanzania very much and has proposed to marry me but one of her friends has […]

Water encountered during mining prospecting

Our company has a special mining licence. While prospecting for minerals we encountered soft ground water. Can we tap that water for use at our staff camp which is near the prospecting area? SR, Songea    The Water Resources Management Act, 2009, as amended in 2022, requires the holder of a special mining licence or a […]

Beneficiary of maintenance order earns more than parent

The District Court issued a maintenance order requiring me to take care of a child born out of wedlock. I have been abiding by the order since the year 2009, when the child was two years old. That child is now sixteen years old and, fortunately, was recently engaged by one of the blue chip […]