Hours of breast feeding a child
I have recently delivered a baby and would like to know how many hours I am entitled to take a break for breast feeding my baby. Is breast feeding part of the nine hours I am supposed to work for the employer in a day.
TR, Singida
Section 33(10) of the Employment and Labour Relations Act and regulation 15 of the Employment and Labour Relations (General) Regulations, 2017 give a female employee who breast feeds a child the right to leave the workplace for a maximum of 2 hours of her convenience during working hours for the purpose of breast feeding the child. The right to breast feed a child is available to a female employee for a period of not less than 6 consecutive months after finishing maternity leave. The 2 hours of breast feeding a baby is part of the 9 working hours the employee is supposed to work for the employer per day. This means for the 9 working hours, a female employee who breast feeds a child has 2 hours to breast feed her baby and an hour for lunch break.