Entries by fbadmin1

Conscience clause in contract

I am a doctor from overseas, and am negotiating my contract with a hospital in Dar. The hospital expects me to do all kinds of work, and is unwilling to heed to my demand for the insertion of a conscience clause in my contract. What should I do? 7 May 2012 A conscience clause allows […]

Registration of tour guides

I grew up in one of the villages on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro. From time immemorial, our family has been earning its living from tour guiding activities. We have, for all this time, not been interrupted by anybody, and this experience has been passed amongst us for many generations. Recently, my older brother was […]

Government websites not updated

I am a foreign consultant. I have always noted that the websites of government departments, Ministries and also parliament are either not updated or provide information that is old, irrelevant and inappropriate. To give you an example: one website still refers to the President as being Benjamin Mkapa. The national government website still has names […]

Work permit expiry and employment contract

Our Company employed an expatriate on an unspecified term contract. The expatriate has worked for us for five years. His work permit is expiring at the end of this May and the Company does not intend to apply for its renewal. Will failure to apply for renewal amount to unlawful termination of the contract? In […]

Liability of directors

As a non-executive director can I be held responsible for the actions of the company. What can I do to protect myself?FF, Moshi Directors have a fiduciary duty towards the company and its shareholders. Additionally, it is untrue that the directors can walk scot free from the conduct of the company, even if in a […]

Coronavirus and retrenchment procedure

We are a travel agent in Tanzania and faced with zero business. No one is travelling because of the Coronavirus and I cannot afford to retain a large number of people. What is the retrenchment procedure and retrenchment package under the labour laws of Tanzania?ET, Dar Retrenchment is one of the reasons for termination of […]

Q&A – 11 May 2020

In this week’s Q&A read questions on: Coronavirus and retrenchment procedure, Secret marriage and honeymoon and Liability of directors.

Q&A – 4 May 2020

In this week’s Q&A column read about: Armchair principle in Will interpretation and Delays caused by TASAC.

Q&A – 27 April 2020

In this week’s Q&A read questions on: Boyfriend intending to get married, Retrenchment during crisis and TRA not responding to private ruling

Q&A – 20 April 2020

In this week’s Q&A read questions on: Coughing with Coronavirus, Constitutional entitlement to luxuries, No punctuation in legal drafting and Same Court, two different judgments.

Q&A – 13 April 2020

In this week’s Q&A column read questions on Wife driving me crazy during Coronavirus, Records maintenance in money laundering and Setting quarantine centre.

Q&A – 6 April 2020

The Coronavirus pandemic has prompted a hot discussion as to whether a party to a commercial contract can be released from the performance of contractual obligation as a result of a ‘force majeure’. What is force majeure?

Q&A – 30 March 2020

In this week’s column read the most frequently asked questions on the fate of employment due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Q&A – 23 March 2020

In this week’s column read about: Price hikes during corona virus and 17 year old charged with sexual offence