Entries by fbadmin1

Intercourse as a form of treatment

If a traditional healer prescribes sexual intercourse with a client as a form of examination or treatment for an ailment and the client consents on belief that she will get healed, does that constitute rape? PO, Dar It is an unethical and an offence for a traditional healer to have sexual intercourse with a client. […]

Q&A – 15 March 2021

Intercourse as a form of treatment If a traditional healer prescribes sexual intercourse with a client as a form of examination or treatment for an ailment and the client consents on belief that she will get healed, does that constitute rape? PO, Dar It is an unethical and an offence for a traditional healer to […]

Beehive in neighborhood

My neighbor has placed a number of beehives in a tree whose shade gets into my house. I am very conscious about my beauty and thus use perfumes and lotion with strong scents. I am worried the bees might attack me because of this scent. What can I do legally? LJ Arusha The law which […]

Offence of forgery

I asked my friend to collect my rent allowance from our cashier on my behalf. After taking the money he signed the pay-list on my behalf. He is now being accused of forgery on the ground that he signed the pay-list purporting to be me. Is there anything wrong he did as the money was […]

Regulation of advertisement of traditional medicine

I have been seeing advertisements of traditional and alternative medicine remedies that are claimed to have the efficacy of enlarging male sexual organs and even boosting men’s sexual power amongst others. Is there any law that regulates these immoral advertisements of such traditional and alternative medicine remedies? PP, Dar Advertisements of traditional and alternative medicine […]

Q&A – 8 March 2021

Regulation of advertisement of traditional medicine I have been seeing advertisements of traditional and alternative medicine remedies that are claimed to have the efficacy of enlarging male sexual organs and even boosting men’s sexual power amongst others. Is there any law that regulates these immoral advertisements of such traditional and alternative medicine remedies? PP, Dar […]

Stealing a lost property

I lost my mobile phone on my way home from a bar. My phone has my picture on the screen. One of my neighbour’s who knows me very well and is able to identify me from my picture on the phone found my phone but instead of bringing the phone to me, he sold it […]

Reckoning of time for instituting employment dispute

 have an employment contract for an unspecified time. My employment contract requires my employer to give me three months’ notice if he wants to terminate my employment. I received termination notice from my employer last week. I would like to know when the limitation period will start running against me. Will it start after the […]

Q&A – 1 March 2021

Enforcement of foreign maintenance orders I was married to a Tanzanian. Our marriage was contracted in the United Kingdom and ended having a matrimonial dispute which ended up in Court in the UK. The UK Court granted me a judgment and divorce and ordered my former husband to pay maintenance allowance to me and our […]

Mentally challenged wife

I celebrated a Christian marriage with a girl 5 years ago. Recently my wife fell sick with malaria and was mis-diagnosed and treated with wrong medication. She then fell into a coma and was hospitalized for 3 months before being discharged. Ever since her discharge she is mentally challenged and cannot eat, take a bath or walk on her own. I […]

Q&A – 15 February 2021

In this week’s Q&A column read questions on: Aiding and abetting, Cancellation of work permit and Evidence against employer.

Q&A – 8 February 2021

Termination of a fixed term employment contract I am a HR Manager in a local company in Tanzania and intend to terminate an employee for poor work performance. The employee has a fixed term employment contract which is expiring in eight months to come. We want to know in case the employee successfully challenges his […]

Q&A – 1 February 2021

Sexual bribe an economic offence Is it true that a demand for a sexual favour in return for employment or services is a crime in Tanzania? Please explain. KG, Dar Demanding or imposing a sexual favour to someone as condition for him or her to get employment, promotion, right, privilege or any preferential treatment is […]

Q&A – 25 January 2021

Computation of terminal dues I have been recently retrenched by my employer. What is confusing me is the way my terminal dues have been computed by the HR manager. Some of the dues have been computed on the basis of my basic salary alone while some have been computed on the basis of my total […]

Q&A – 18 January 2021

Kite flying on personal plot I have started flying kites very high on my own plot. The police have started harrasing me that I cannot do so. We have had arguments with them and they have failed to shown me what provision of the law disallows me to fly kites. This is my country and […]

Q&A – 11 January 2021

Limitation period for appealing I filed a suit founded on defamation in the District Court and lost. I now intend to appeal to the High Court. I am getting different opinions on the limitation period of appeal in my case. Some lawyers are telling me that the limitation period of appeal in defamation cases is […]

Q&A – 4 January 2021

Corporal punishment by Court What is the procedure for imposition and infliction of corporal punishment imposed by the Court? Can a woman offender be sentenced to corporal punishment and undergo strokes on her bottom? Does the law limit the maximum number of strokes that can be imposed by the Court? Can corporal punishment be imposed […]