Entries by fbadmin1

Insane witness called to testify

I am charged with the offence of rape and the victim is known to be insane. Can I ask the Court to order the witness to be medically examined before she is allowed to give evidence? Can the Court receive and rely on the evidence of an insane victim to convict me of rape? II, […]

Not taken leave for seven years

Because of the nature and operational needs of the Company, one of our senior managers has not taken his annual leave for the past 7 years. However, he has taken emergency leave of 4 to 5 days and several short sick leaves. He has now lodged a claim for payment of salary in lieu of […]

Q&A – 1 November 2021

Not taken leave for seven years Because of the nature and operational needs of the Company, one of our senior managers has not taken his annual leave for the past 7 years. However, he has taken emergency leave of 4 to 5 days and several short sick leaves. He has now lodged a claim for […]

Licence to manufacture local liquor

I have seen the market of traditional liquor commonly known as gongo in urban and rural areas as many people prefer it because it is cheaper and stronger compared to other liquors sold in bars. What is the legal procedure for getting a licence to distill and sell traditional liquor in Tanzania? KB, Bukoba A […]

Doctor reporting child’s sexual abuse

I am a doctor and in my work I sometimes attend children who have been sexually abused by a guardian, parent or near relative. One day while attending a child, in the course of interview with her mother, I realised that the child was sexually abused by a near relative but her mother had not […]

Q&A – 25 October 2021

Growing marijuana for consumption I read an article in a newspaper that Uganda grows marijuana for exports to countries where that plant is allowed for individual consumption or it is used for manufacturing of human medicine. Is there any way of legally growing marijuana in Tanzania for export or for use as raw material in […]

Number of dependents to repatriate

We have retrenched some employees in our company, some of whom have written to us requesting for transport allowance for themselves and their children to their home villages. What does the law say on how many family members and relatives can be repatriated and paid for by the employer? EL, Mbeya  Section 43 of the […]

Registering a SIM card for a friend

My friend has asked me to register a SIM card for him by using my National ID because he has no National ID card or NIDA number for use to register a SIM Card in his name. I would like to know if it is legally acceptable to register a SIM Card for someone. LK, […]

Q&A – 18 October 2021

Sexual favour for contract I am employed by a manufacturing company as an account clerk with a two years’ contract expiring in December, 2021. According to the contract, if I want to renew the contract for another term, I am supposed to write a letter of request for renewal at least 2 months before the […]

Dual full time employment

Is it lawful for a person to work full time for two employers at the same time, one being Government and the other being a private company? CK, Mwanza The law does not bar an employee from serving two masters provided the employee is able to efficiently discharge his or her duties. The possibility to […]

Suspect’s right to write out a statement himself

I am suspected of committing an offence and have been summoned by the investigator to appear before him for the purpose of recording my statement. I don’t want the investigator to record my statement instead I want to write the statement myself. Does the law allow me to ask the investigator to furnish me with […]

Q&A – 11 October 2021

Storing pornography in mobile phone I had a boil near my private parts and sent a photo of it to my husband. A few months’ later my husband’s office was raided by law enforcement officers who took the employees phones for investigation. My husband is now charged for the offence of possession of pornography extracted […]

Price fixing by factory owner

There are certain factories owned by some big shot owners that have developed monopolistic behavior. They have colluded to fix prices of the product and are creating an artificial shortage. There are all signs of practices that are anti competitive. Is there a law that can protect consumers in such a scenario? JL, Dar The […]

Detained in police station for traffic offence

I was stopped by police officers who shockingly did an alcohol test on me. The results were positive and I got arrested and spent the night in police custody. Can they arrest me for this offence? Could they just not have fined me and let me go? Is this legal? TT, Dar The Road Traffic […]

One sided insurance

My household fire insurance policy states that I cannot make a claim 14 days after a fire or burglary. I was overseas and just came back into the country to find my house totally empty. Everything was stolen. My broker says that the 14 days have passed and I cannot now claim. What should I […]

Q&A – 4 October 2021

Maximum age to get married I am a healthy 80 year old man and have a 29 year old girlfriend. Just as I was planning to get married, my cousin who is a self-proclaimed bush lawyer says that I am above the age for marriage especially considering that there is a 51-year gap between us. He says […]

Prohibited contribution or hospitality to a civil servant

I am a businessman and get a lot of requests for contributions from different civil servants. For example, I am called very regularly to contribute for funerals of closed ones of those who are working in the civil service. Is it an offence to contribute? My second question is whether it is an offence to […]

Procuring a prisoner to attend Court as witness

Our company is a defendant in civil suit which is still pending hearing for the defence side. Our key witness is our former managing director who is currently in prison serving a jail term. How can we procure a prisoner to come to Court as our witness? AK, Morogoro Section 60 of the Prisons Act […]

Age for enrollment for pre-primary and primary school education

My daughter turned 5 years on 12 December last year. In January this year I approached the headteacher of the school where she is pursuing pre-primary school to enroll her for primary education. The headteacher refused my request on the ground that a 5 years old child is not eligible for enrollment for primary education. […]

Q&A – 27 September 2021

Age for enrollment for pre-primary and primary school education My daughter turned 5 years on 12 December last year. In January this year I approached the headteacher of the school where she is pursuing pre-primary school to enroll her for primary education. The headteacher refused my request on the ground that a 5 years old […]