Entries by fbadmin1

Q&A – 25 July 2022

Two owners for one car My father was a mechanic and owned a garage. He died three years ago and bequeathed the garage to me and my elder brother. After his death, we called all the clients whose vehicles were undergoing maintenance in that garage and every client with a car came and identified their […]

Amount of cash one is allowed to carry

My cousin was going back to his home village where he is undertaking a big construction project. He carried with him in the car TZS 100M to enable him clear various costs of the project. On the way at a police barrier he was stopped and when he was car searched, he was found in […]

Q&A – 18 July 2022

Suing a soldier in his absence I have been in a dispute with my neighbour who is an army officer. The long term misunderstanding has been on my inherited piece of land and claims that my father sold it to him before his death. Last month he mobilised building materials in that piece of land […]

Throwing an empty bottle out of moving train

I was travelling from Kigoma to Tabora by train. Along the journey, I was boozing from a disposable beer can. After seeping the contents from the bottle I threw the empty bottle outside the train through the window while the train was moving. The wagon attendant saw me when I threw the bottle and furiously […]

Suing for a dishonored cheque

I am a businessman, among other things, supplying food items to different private schools in our district. Months ago, I supplied food to one of those schools whereby the school manager drew a cheque worth to pay for the supplies. I banked the cheque, but after a day my banker called me to take back […]

Q&A – 11 July 2022

Misnomer and misdirection of object in Will It was a fracas when the Will of the deceased neighbor was read. Among others, the Will indicated that a house in which the deceased neighbor was staying before his death was bequeathed to his last born ‘Jonathan’ and his only wife Dina. Dina is a mother of […]

Q&A – 4 July 2022

Selling cigarettes at secondary school shop I have a son studying at a boarding secondary school. A month ago we had a parents’ visitation day and my wife and I visited our son but while going around the school noted that cigarettes are sold in a school shop, within the school compound. I was so […]

Standing when hoisting or lowering the National Flag

I see people standing up or stopping walking when the National Flag is hoisted or lowered. Is this requirement of the law? If someone decides to walk or sit down when the National Flag is hoisted or lowered, will he/she be committing any offence? ER, Mtwara Walking or sitting down when the National Flag is […]

Q&A – 27 June 2022

Plea bargaining of a narcotic drug offence Our uncle is charged with trafficking in narcotic drugs and is detained in prison because the offence he is charged with is not bailable. He told us to get your opinion on the following questions: (i) does the law allow plea bargaining of drug offences? (ii) can the […]

Not alerted that bundle is about to expire

I bought a one month’s bundle for my mobile phone line but used only half of the airtime before it expired. The service provider did not alert me that the bundle was about to expire. When I tried to call my wife, I was surprised to be told that my bundle had already expired. Doesn’t […]

Q&A – 20 June 2022

Recovery of school fee paid from proceeds of crime Our school was visited by law enforcement officers who said they were conducting an audit of the lifestyle of the father of one of our students. The law enforcement officers told us the father of that student was convicted of theft of his employer’s money and […]

Age limit for owning a gun

I own a gun and intend to buy a second one for myself, and one for my son who is 17 years old. Does the law limit the number of guns that one person can own and can a person who is under the age of 18 years own a gun in Tanzania? LF, Musoma […]

Q&A – 13 June 2022

Employee dies on way from office party My uncle died on the spot in a car accident at night when he was driving back home from an office party that was organised by his employer. Police visited the scene of the accident and made a report which showed that the accident was attributed to the […]

Q&A – 6 June 2022

Wildlife for cultural activities We are a registered cultural group performing cultural dances and other cultural activities in different parts of the country. As part of our business, we want to tame hyena, wild rabbit and snakes for our cultural dances and activities. Is there any legal procedure we need to follow to enable us […]