Using wild beast tails for traditional dances
We are a registered traditional dance group and in our dances use wild beast tails. Some of our members have recently been arrested and charged with the offence of unlawful possession of government trophies in that they have been found in possession of wild beast tails without a permit from the wildlife authority. Can you guide us if a registered traditional dance group like ours is required to have a permit from the wildlife authority to possess wild beast tails which are used only for performance of traditional dances?
HG, Songea
Section 85(1)(b) of the Wildlife Conservation Act defines a government trophy to include any part of the wild animal so the wild beast tail is a government trophy. It is an offence under section 86(1) of the Wildlife Conservation Act to possess a Government trophy without a permit issued by the Wildlife Authority. Being registered as a cultural dance group does not automatically confer on the group or its members the right to possess government trophies for their cultural dances without a permit from the Wildlife Authority.
Registration of the cultural group and the issuance of permits to possess government trophies are governed by different laws. Possession of government trophy is an economic offence specified under paragraph 14 of the First Schedule to Economic and Organised Crimes Control Act and its minimum penalty prescribed under section 60(2) is 20 years imprisonment regardless of the value of the trophy or specie of the wildlife.