In Court for refusal to pay garbage costs
My office is located in the Dar es Salaam city centre where, for many years, I have paid TZS 7,500 per month as garbage collection costs. Suddenly, a few months ago, the garbage collectors demanded TZS 150,000. I refused to pay the increased amount, and they refused to collect the old amount. I have now been sent a Court summons. What should I do?
6 February 2012
Although garbage collection does not sound like a big deal, non-payment for garbage collection is a criminal offence. The rates for garbage collection are stipulated in the Dar es Salaam City Council (Collection and Disposal of Refuse) by-laws, 1994. Schedule C of this by-law is relevant in answering your question.
Under these by-laws, the rates are set according to the number of employees businesses have. For example, businesses with between 76 and 100 employees are required to pay TZS 150,000; the TZS 7,500 rate is for businesses who employ between six and ten employees. Unless the number of your employees has increased, we believe you have a good defence.
On a different note, and as a precautionary measure, it is advisable to appear before the Court with two persons who can bail you out, just in case bail is called for.