Entries by fbadmin1

Q&A – 26 April 2021

Wife disallows me to use her assets I have a very rich wife who earns nearly 8 times as me and takes care of the entire household. We are blessed with two children and I am overall happy with our marriage except for the fact that she doesn’t allow me to use some of her […]

Representation by advocate in disciplinary hearing

I work for a private company and have been summoned to appear in a disciplinary hearing to answer accusation of gross negligence. Am I entitled to engage and appear before the committee with my advocate? HF, Dar Under paragraph 4(4)(5) of the Disciplinary Procedure prescribed under the Employment and Labour Relations (Code of Good Practice) […]

Q&A – 19 April 2021

Bail in money laundering and economic offences I keep on hearing that the so called economic offences are unbailable. Is it true that when a person is charged with such offences he/she can be detained in remand prison indefinitely or until the prosecutor decides to commence the trial and the case is decided on merits. […]

Working on a public holiday

I am employed as a driver assigned to drive the managing director of our company. Recently I worked on a day that was declared a public holiday by the President. Am I entitled to be paid an allowance for working on a public holiday? Kindly guide. FG, Dodoma According to section 25 of the Employment […]

Suspect statement by foreign agent

Our accountant, who is foreigner stole, our company’s money and fled to his home country. He was arrested there by the international police. After the arrest, he made a suspect statement to a police officer who is a citizen of his home country and he confessed stealing the company’s money. We would like to know […]

Q&A – 12 April 2021

Suspect statement by foreign agent Our accountant, who is foreigner stole, our company’s money and fled to his home country. He was arrested there by the international police. After the arrest, he made a suspect statement to a police officer who is a citizen of his home country and he confessed stealing the company’s money. […]

Lending academic certificates

I am a form four leaver doing private business. My cousin is asking me to lend him my form four academic certificate as he wants to use it to apply for a job in a private company. Is this a crime? I really want to help him to secure this job as the job market is […]

Property tax disputes

What is the procedure for challenging an assessment of property rates? Is the affected party required to follow the same procedure provided under the Tax Administration Act, 2015? OP, Moshi Regulation 15 of the Local Government Authorities Rating (Collection of Property Rates) Regulations, 2020 (GN No.1 of 2020) requires a rate payer aggrieved by the […]

Q&A – 5 April 2021

Paternity leave for a child born out of wedlock I do not believe in marriages and luckily am not married but have a child with my girlfriend. I have been having an argument with my employer, who is very unhappily married, that I am entitled to paternity leave notwithstanding that the child is born out […]

Notice pay subject to pension deduction

I work for a private company and recently signed a mutual separation agreement with my employer. One of the terminal dues agreed upon was 3 months’ remuneration in lieu of notice of termination of my employment. When I went to collect my terminal dues I was surprised to be told that my 3 months’ notice […]

Pledging of pension benefits

I work for a private company and contribute to the National Social Security Fund. I took a personal loan from a savings and credit cooperative society popularly known as a SACCOS and pledged my pension benefit as a security for the loan. Am I allowed to do that and Is this contract valid in law? […]

Q&A – 29 March 2021

Selling charcoal and money laundering My aunt was found selling charcoal without a permit to sell or buy forest produce. At the time of her arrest she had already sold a number of bags of charcoal and had some amount of cash in her poach. She is now being charged with selling forest produce without […]

Squatter regularisation schemes

I live in a squatter and have been informed by our Mtaa Chairman that the Government intends to regularise our settlements and we shall be given a certificate of occupancy at the end of the regularisation project. Because in the squatter we have very small plots, I am afraid my plot may be merged with […]

Female Police searching a male suspect

I was put under arrest for a certain offence and taken to the police. Surprisingly, although I am a man, I was searched by a female police officer. Is this allowed under our laws? AJ, Arusha Unfortunately there is no express provision of the law that bars a female police from searching the body of […]

Q&A – 22 March 2021

Requirements for running game meat butcher I am running a beef butcher. I want to switch to a game meat butcher. What am I supposed to do to change the nature of business from beef selling to game meat selling? MM, Simiyu Game meat selling is highly regulated in order to safeguard against poaching. The […]

Time limit for interrogation

I was taken in for police interview and spent the entire day from 9am to 7pm, and then admitted to bail after having to plead with the officer that I did not want to be held in custody as it was a minor bailable offence which i was denying in any case. I was told […]