Entries by fbadmin1

Q&A – 23 January 2023

Money to girlfriend I recently saw a message trending in social media alerting married men to report to the police all women, other than their wives, who will beg for money from them. I want to report one of my girlfriends who is on my neck requiring me to give her money for a new […]

Termination of employment contract before commencement

Our company signed an employment contract with someone for the position of internal auditor. However, two days before the commencement of the contract, we discovered that some of the documents he submitted during the job application such as his certificate of registration with the Board of Auditors and Accountants were false. Are we required to […]

Bureau asking customer to prove source of money

I recently came to Tanzania and went to a bureau de change to buy foreign currency in exchange for Tanzanian shillings. I only TZS 300,000 which I wanted to convert into foreign currency. The operator of the bureau de change asked me to give him proof of the source of TZS 300,000. Is there such […]

Q&A – 16 January 2023

Charged for leaving gun in car I am a firearm licence holder and few months ago, while driving back home, I decided to stop and park in front of a bar for a few beers. I left my gun loaded with ammunition in the car. While I was still drinking, two armed police officers came […]

Age limit for marriage

I am a healthy 80 year old man and have a 29 year old girlfriend. Just as I was planning to get married, my cousin who is a self-proclaimed bush lawyer says that I am above the age for marriage especially considering that there is a 51-year gap between us. He says there is a recent change in […]

Government letters marked confidential

I am dealing with a lot of Government departments and see that every letter that comes to our company is stamped ‘CONFIDENTIAL’ or in Swahili ‘SIRI’. What are the implications of such words in correspondences with the Government? Is this something that can cause problems for the recipient of these letters? I have noted that […]

Q&A – 9 January 2023

Expatriate maintaining bank account outside Tanzania I am an expatriate working in a key sector in Tanzania for the last eighteen months having a fixed term contract which will expire on 30 June, 2024. I want to transfer part of my money from my local bank account to the account I hold in my home […]

Conditions for worker’s compensation

I am employed as a driver of heavy trucks which transports goods to the neighboring countries from Dar es Salaam port. To celebrate my birthday, I had some beers while I was on my way back to Tanzania. After drinking a few beers, I was involved in an accident which the police claimed was attributed […]

Q&A – 2 January 2023

Selling medicine without prescription It is common here in my town to see people going to the pharmacies to buy drugs without having a prescription issued by a doctor. Some foreigners who visit Tanzania actually stock antibiotics from Tanzania as our pharmacies are very flexible in dispensing. Do we have any law that regulates the […]

Q&A – 26 December 2022

Life audit of a retired public servant I retired from public service four years ago and am now doing my private businesses which I established since I was in public service. I am currently under investigation for the offence which the investigators call ‘possession of unexplained wealth’. The investigators asked me to give them statements […]

Possession of traditional liquor

I am back to my home village for a break and the old men in my village enjoy traditional liquor rather than beer. They asked me to buy them traditional liquor which I accepted. I went to buy traditional liquor for them and on my way back from the traditional distiller I was arrested by […]

Age limit for grant of a driving a licence

I want to buy a car for my father who is 85 years old as a Christmas gift. Does the law allow such an old man to learn driving and get a driving licence? Is there an age limit for getting or holding a driving licence? LW, Dar es Salaam Section 25 of the Road […]

Q&A – 19 December 2022

Expiry of dependent’s residence permit upon divorce I am a foreigner residing in Tanzania on a dependent’s residence permit and was granted a dependent’s pass since I was married to an expatriate and wholly dependent on him. However, recently we divorced and the Court ordered my husband to continue maintaining me. My dependent’s pass is […]

Notice to sue a village

Last year when I went back to my home village for Christmas Holiday, I applied for allocation of a farm from the Village Council which I was allocated. Now I am back only to discover that the Village Council has allocated the same land to another person on the grounds that I have failed to […]

Q&A – 12 December 2022

Employee denied paid sick leave I was employed about four months ago and two months after my employment, I fell sick and was admitted to the hospital for six weeks. I notified the HR Manager that I was admitted and he came to the hospital to see me. After I was discharged from the hospital, […]

Mental health care support

It has been more than two months since my son has been revealing abject mental disorders. He keeps on chanting all day long and sometimes throws stones to people passing our neighbourhood and has occasioned losses to us and our neighbours. A doctor advised me to admit my son to a mental health centre at […]

Q&A – 5 December 2022

Overriding of tax laws We are an entity relying on a certain treaty for our affairs in Tanzania. Unfortunately, when the Tax Administration Act was enacted, there are certain provisions in this Act that contradict what is in the treaty. When such a conflict arises, what should one do? Moreover, we also intend to enter […]

Luggage detained for lack of valid ticket

I was travelling by train from Kigoma to Morogoro to visit my brother. When we reached Tabora my brother called to inform me that he has been transferred to Dar es Salaam, thus advised me not to disembark at Morogoro but come to Dar es Salaam railway station where he would pick me up. On […]

Q&A – 28 November 2022

Reciprocal recognition of firearms licences I am a businessman operating in Tanzania and Kenya. Last year I legally acquired a pistol in Kenya and want to come to Tanzania for Christmas and New Year festivals. Am I allowed to come with my pistol into Tanzania? Do I have to legally own it in Kenya to […]

Tax consultant personal liability

I am an auditor and tax consultant and have read some new rules that a tax consultant is an agent of the taxpayer? What are the consequences as a normal principal agency relationship has serious liabilities for the agent? YI, Dar It is true that recently the Tax Administration (General) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022 amended the Tax Administration […]

16% in mining companies

We are involved in mining and own a few mining licences. Recently we came across the Mining (State Participation) Regulations 2022 (Regulations) which provide for how the Government will get free carried interest (FCI) in our company. Does the free carried interest apply to companies mining rare minerals as we are soon required to notify […]