Wife pregnant, child not mine

I do not know where to begin. I used to live in Dar es Salaam but moved to Dodoma following the Government shift to the Capital. My wife remained in Dar. I recently discovered that she is pregnant, but I suspect the child is not mine since her due date does not align with the number of times we saw each other. I am at a crossroads. What are the legal options for confirming the child is mine? Please help me.
PS, Dodoma

This is a deeply challenging and emotional situation. You may apply to a Court for an order to confirm the parentage of a child. According to sections 34, 35, and 36 of the Law of the Child Act [Cap. 13 R.E 2019] read together, parentage may be proved through various means including DNA results, existence of a marriage, birth certificate, to name a few. However, a medical test will only be ordered by the Courts where other evidence of parentage needs corroboration or is insufficient. Since you are married to the mother of this unborn child, you are presumed to be the biological father unless paternity is contested. Note that upon making an application for proof of parentage, the Court will consider various factors, including the best interests of the child, when making its decisions about the order for a DNA test. Kindly note that the DNA test in Tanzania is not automatic and must be Court sanctioned.

We understand that suspecting that your wife is pregnant with another man’s child is a complex and emotional situation. Friends and family can help you navigate the emotional aspects of this situation. Also, seeking professional guidance can help you make informed decisions. Your lawyer can guide you further.