Spraying banknotes in the air

I have seen people throwing banknotes in the air while dancing at social events including weddings.  This behavior is also very common among celebrities who usually show off their wealth on social media by spraying money in the air. I believe this is done as a sign of wealth. Few months ago I went to a wedding and there was money being sprayed all over the place and people were stepping on our legal tender. I found the behaviour strange and though the owner owns the money, can he do whatever he wants with it? Is this not disrespecting our currency?
GB, Dar es Salaam

We have noticed that the spraying of banknotes is now common in social events. While many people do this, the law does not permit it and considers it an abuse of the currency.  Defacing of a currency is the phrase used to refer to actions such as writing on, mutilating, spraying, diminishing, squeezing, tearing, stapling, soiling, and piercing on any other form of abuse on a bank note. Throwing money in the air may amount to the defacing of a currency where the thrown notes are then stepped on, squeezed, or mutilated.

Section 332A of the Penal Code [Cap. 16. R.E. 2022] states that any person who, without authority, willfully defaces, tears, cuts, or otherwise mutilates any bank note or currency note which is a legal tender, is guilty of an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of TZS 500,000 for each note defaced, or in default, to imprisonment for a term of 1 year. Take note that this is not only an offence in Tanzania. Other countries have similar regulations against the defacing of a currency. You are therefore advised to be mindful of how you handle bank notes in your activities. Your lawyer can guide you further.