Spouse option to live apart

I love my husband but I cannot tolerate his snoring at night. Can I live apart from him while remaining happily married? A colleague of mine told me it is possible to do so under the law on marriages. Please guide me.
JD, Coast Region

Section 67 of the Law of Marriage Act [Cap. 29 R.E 2019] permits spouses to enter agreements to live apart. The married couple may, by writing signed by each other, agree to live apart and any such agreement, including any provisions as to maintenance, matrimonial property, and the custody of the children, if any, of the marriage shall be valid and enforceable by Courts. However, the Court has the power, on the application of either party at any time and from time to time, to vary or set aside any provisions of such agreements if it is satisfied that the circumstances have changed in any material respect; or if it is satisfied that the agreed arrangements are not in the best interests of the couple’s children. We believe snoring is not a typical reason for considering an agreement to live apart but that is our personal opinion. You may try medical options (we are told there are several) before making extreme decisions such as living apart. Your lawyer can guide you further on this.