Not alerted that bundle is about to expire

I bought a one month’s bundle for my mobile phone line but used only half of the airtime before it expired. The service provider did not alert me that the bundle was about to expire. When I tried to call my wife, I was surprised to be told that my bundle had already expired. Doesn’t the law impose an obligation on the service provider to alert a customer that the bundle is about to expire?
TB, Dar

Regulation 7(1) of the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (Bundle Tariffs, Promotion and Special Offer) Rules, 2021 imposes an obligation on the service provider to inform its subscriber via message notification that the bundle is about to deplete when the bundle depletion reaches 75% and then at 100%. Hence there is an alert that you must receive at 75% and then when the bundle expires. You will need to check your messages to see if these alerts were sent to you.