Mental health care support

It has been more than two months since my son has been revealing abject mental disorders. He keeps on chanting all day long and sometimes throws stones to people passing our neighbourhood and has occasioned losses to us and our neighbours. A doctor advised me to admit my son to a mental health centre at Mirembe in Dodoma for treatment. While planning to take my son to the health centre, my friend told me that I have to undergo a process before I could get my son admitted. Please guide me.
JS, Kilosa

We are sorry to hear this about your son. The procedure for admitting mentally disordered persons into such a mental health facility is well elaborated in the Mental Health Act, 2008. Before reception of your son into such a health medical centre, you are required to file a petition for a reception order either in the Resident Magistrate’s Court or the District Court. These two Courts have a concurrent jurisdiction in matters relating to mentally disordered persons.

The format for the petition is provided under the Second Schedule to the Act. Apart from the generic demographic particulars, the petitioner is required to disclose the first time when the patient showed signs of unsoundness of mind, age on first attack, whether previously the patient happened to be under care and treatment, supposed cause, whether suicidal, whether suffering from mental illness, behavioural disorders/mental disability, whether dangerous to others and in what way, whether he is capable of looking after himself, with whom he has been living, whether the patient is addicted to the use of any drug or intoxicant and whether any near relative (stating the relationship) has been afflicted with mental disorder/illness.

A mental health care facility shall, where it receives a petition for a reception order, conduct an immediate inquiry on behalf of the Court and shall cause two copies of medical certificates as prescribed in the Second Schedule to be issued by an approved medical officer, and an approved mental health practitioner. The copies of medical certificates shall be submitted to the Court within 48 hours from the day of issue.

Where the Court is satisfied that the person is mentally disordered and is a proper person to be admitted, it shall make and record a finding to that effect and make an order for the admission of that person to the mental health care facility. Your attorney or social welfare officers can guide you further.