Legal Update – 11 January 2018
Government invites private sector feedback for 2018 budget
- Aims to enhance conducive environment for investment
- Government will give an update of its policy objectives, agenda, challenges and assessment of tax policy priorities for Budget 2018/19
- Government fiscal policy aims at increasing the tax base, strengthening tax administration and controlling tax evasion
- Firms, organisations and associations are invited to submit proposals for tax reforms
- Task Force on tax reform to receive proposals till 10 February 2018
- Task Force to organize meeting for presentations and discussions
In a bid to continue to increase private sector participation in the local economy, the Ministry of Finance and Planning has today, 11 January 2018, issued a public notice inviting all stakeholders to participate in the upcoming proceedings of the Task Force on tax reform (‘Task Force’), in preparation for the 2018/19 budget. The stakeholders identified include the private sector, civil society, religious organisations, academic community, research institutions and other specialists in public sector economics.
The Task Force will receive written proposals from interested participants for 30 days ending 10 February 2018. In their written submissions, stakeholders are required to indicate the following:
- The firm, organisation or association being represented
- The proposed changes in tax or non-tax revenue, including an analysis of the sectors, regions or types of taxpayers that would be affected and in what way
- The projected impact on the economy and on the government revenue in the year of implementation and in future years
- The rationale and justification for the proposed revenue policy changes and analysis on how such changes are aligned to Government’s overarching economic, fiscal and poverty-reduction objectives
- Proposal that entails reduction of Government’s revenue must indicate explicit and credible measures to offset such deficit
According to the notice, the Task Force will also organize various stakeholders meetings to discuss various issues pertaining to tax policy and administration. In the course of these deliberations, the Government will give an update of its policy objectives, agenda, challenges and assessment of tax policy priorities for the Budget 2018/19. At the same time, stakeholders will be given an opportunity to present their views and recommendations. According to the notice, this dialogue not only shapes the country’s tax regime but also facilitates an effective, transparent and efficient resolution of tax-related issues.
The notice requires that written proposals be submitted to the Secretariat, Task Force on Tax Reform, c/o Ministry of Finance and Planning, Policy Analysis Department, Room Number 339 (Main Treasury Building), Dar es Salaam before the 10 February deadline.