Keeping cash at home
I drew a large sum of cash from the bank and kept them at home. These are the funds for which I paid full taxes. The bank reported me to the Financial Intelligence Unit and the law enforcement authorities came to look for me and they conducted a search in my house to find the money I withdrew. Is it an offence to keep a large sum of money at home?
HU, Dar
Under regulation 5(1) of the Anti-Money Laundering (Electronic Fund Transfer and Cash Transaction Reporting) Regulations, 2019, a bank is obliged to report to the Financial Intelligence Unit a cash withdrawal involving TZS or foreign currency equivalent to USD 10,000 or more in the course of a single transaction. The duty to report cash withdrawal is based on the amount withdrawn and not whether the bank is suspicious with the transaction or not.
After reporting the cash transaction, the FIU makes their analysis of the transaction and may decide to report it to the law enforcement agents for investigation. Though it is not an offence to keep large sum of cash money at home, where a law enforcement agent suspects that the large cash held at home is likely to be proceeds of crime or that it is intended to be used to commit a crime like bribery, the holder of the money needs to clear the doubt of the law of enforcement agent by giving a reasonable explanation for holding such large sum of cash at home. Otherwise, and unless there are facts you are hiding from us, we do not see an offence.