Insane witness called to testify

I am charged with the offence of rape and the victim is known to be insane. Can I ask the Court to order the witness to be medically examined before she is allowed to give evidence? Can the Court receive and rely on the evidence of an insane victim to convict me of rape?
II, Mwanza

Section 63(3) of the Criminal Procedure Act [Cap.20 R.E 2019] gives Courts power to order a witness in the criminal proceedings to submit himself to a medical officer for medical examination. The medical officer after examining the witness shall submit the report to the Court that requested for examination. You can move the Court under that provision once the witness has been sworn or affirmed but before he testifies. Section 127(1) gives everybody a right to testify unless the witness is incapable of understanding questions put to him or give rational answers to the questions by reason of tender age, extreme old age, disease (body or mind) and any other similar cause. Insanity per se may not be a ground for denying a witness the right to testify if the mental disease has not impaired the witness’ ability to understand questions or give rational answers to the specific questions. However, insanity if proved, may reduce the evidential weight that the Court may accord to the evidence given by the witness.