Compensation for death caused by wildlife

My brother was killed by a hyena in my home village at night when he was on his way home from a neighbouring village. Can you guide me how to claim compensation from the government?
MC, Musoma

The government does not pay compensation for loss of life or injury caused by dangerous wild animals. It only pays consolation to the victim for the loss of life or injury. The rate and procedure for payment of consolation for death caused by wildlife is stipulated under section 69 to 71 of the Wildlife Conservation Act, 2009 and the Wildlife Conservation (Dangerous Animals Damage Consolation) Regulations, 2011.

The claimant should first report the incident to the nearest village executive officer within three days from the date of incident. After reporting to the village executive officer, he/she can, within 7 days from the date of incident, apply for payment of consolation by filling and submitting the claim to the director of wildlife in the prescribed form provided in the First Schedule to the Consolation Regulations. The claim has to be verified by the village executive officer, ward executive officer, livestock officer, agricultural officer or wildlife officer and two independent witnesses. A claim founded on death has to be further verified by a medical practitioner of the rank of clinical officer or above.

A claimant who is aggrieved by the amount of consolation paid by the director of wildlife can request the director to review the amount. The request for review of the amount must be lodged with the director within 30 days from the date of decision to pay the disputed consolation was made. Appeal from the decision of the director lies to the minister responsible for wildlife.

The maximum amount of consolation prescribed in the Fourth Schedule to the Regulation for death is TZS 1,000,000.