Entries by fbadmin1

Flying a drone in national park

I am an award-winning wildlife filmmaker and have recently secured a contract with a renowned production company based in the USA to produce a three-part documentary on the great wildebeest migration in the Serengeti National Park. To capture this famous captivating event, my crew and I plan to use drones to obtain spectacular aerial shot videos […]

Possession of stolen property

My sister runs a mobile money business in the outskirts of Dar es Salaam. Last year, she was arrested after she was found in possession of two mobile phones. However, she explained to the police officers that the phones were her properties which she bought at a mobile phone market in town and was using […]

Artist under a record label

I am a talented upcoming artist in Tanzania and my music has gained significant popularity, especially my latest hit song on environment conservation. I was working as a solo artist but recently many record labels have approached me after seeing my potential. In particular, one of the leading labels in the country wants to sign […]

Cancellation of TIN

I run a bakery business in the city of Dar es Salaam and one of my business advisors suggested that I change the name of my business to attract more customers. Following this advice, I recently changed the name of my business and have been getting many more customers. However, last week, the Tanzania Revenue […]

Q&A – 4 March 2024

Killing wild animal in self defence Our village is located near a national park in Manyara and sometimes we encounter wild animals while going about our daily activities. Unfortunately, some of these encounters can be deadly. We often hear reports of people being killed by wild animals such as lions. I believe it is prohibited […]

Saying Personal Vows in Marriage Ceremony

We are a recently engaged couple residing in Tanzania. As we begin preparations for our wedding, we were wondering if is it permissible to say our own vows during a wedding ceremony under Tanzanian law? D&E, Dar es Salaam Matters of marriage are governed by the Law of Marriage Act [CAP.29 R.E. 2019] (LMA). The […]

Landlord Demanding Repairs for Flood Damages

I am renting an apartment in one of the municipalities. Our apartment and the entire neighbourhood was constantly flooded during the recent El Niño rains. A lot of the infrastructure in the apartment was damaged during the rain. I have considered ending my lease and moving to another area to avoid similar flood problems in […]

Q&A – 26 February 2024

Dismissal on Ground of Religion I am Director of Human Resources in one of the hospitality companies. In a recent management meeting we considered terminating some of our employees who have been refusing to work on their worship days. Due to the nature of our industry, it is difficult to close on the weekends to […]

Doing business in bus

I always travel by public commercial buses and get disturbed by small scale traders who jump into the buses in the course of the journey and start selling or promoting their products. Moreover and even worse some of the products they sell are counterfeit. Is doing business in the buses allowed as part of the […]

Taking new evidence on appeal

I entered into a contract for the purchase of spare parts with one of my long-standing suppliers. I paid the supplier by bank transfer and have a receipt acknowledging the payment. The supplier alleged that I have not cleared my dues to him and sued me. In the course of hearing, I did not tender […]

Q&A – 19 February 2024

Sexual relationship at workplace I am a junior level public servant and have a girlfriend who is senior to me with whom I have a child. I have recently been served with a show cause notice to explain why disciplinary action should not be taken against me for having sexual relationship with a fellow employee […]

Daily employment agreement

We are a construction company with a large operation in Tanzania. Our operations are expanding rapidly leading to an increase in the workload and the need for additional manpower. In a bid to meet these demands, the company plans to hire day workers temporarily to assist with various tasks. However, the management is unsure whether […]

Q&A – 12 February 2024

Acquisition of land by foreigner upon divorce I am a foreign national married to a Tanzanian but residing out of Tanzania with my husband. We have houses and farms that my husband and I have jointly acquired in Tanzania. The properties are registered in the name of my husband alone because we were advised that […]

Compensation for workplace accidents

I work for an institution in Tanzania and following a workplace accident, was left disabled. I am currently recovering in hospital. My employer registered me with the Workers Compensation Fund (WCF) but also has a personal life insurance policy covering accidents. Since I am legally entitled to benefits given under the WCF and my personal […]

Q&A – 5 February 2024

Wearing political uniform in public places I am a staunch supporter of one of the political parties in the country and like wearing my party uniform whenever I go out to public places or attend public meetings. My wife, who is a lawyer, is always annoyed with my political uniforms and she claims it is […]

Telling lies in Court

I had a probate case in which my opponent called a witness who lied to the Court and caused judgment to be given in favour of the opponent. Is it allowed to tell lies in Court in the course of giving evidence? What can be done where it is discovered after a person who has […]

Visa for a child with dual citizenship

I am citizen of Tanzania working abroad on a work permit and have a four year old child born in the country where I am currently working and staying. According to the citizenship of this country, my child has become a citizen here by virtue of birth. My understanding is that the laws of Tanzania […]

Adultery not a crime

I have seen a clip in social media saying that fornication is not a crime known under the Law of Marriage Act and that there is no provision in the Act which binds a spouse to have sexual intercourse with his wife or husband exclusively. I find this statement to be funny and I doubt […]

Keeping dustbins inside daladalas

My daladala crew were arrested by traffic police for not keeping dustbins inside the bus. He was ordered to pay a fine which he did but I still doubt if failure to keep a dustbin inside a commuter bus is an offence because I know for certain that all the commuter buses commonly known as […]

Collecting subscription for religious or charitable purposes

There are people who visit offices and ask for subscriptions of money allegedly for supporting certain church projects or charitable purposes. These people normally ask for subscriptions without proof that the money they are asking for is really intended to support the alleged religious purpose and this leaves us in doubt with the subscription. How […]