Entries by fbadmin1

Carbon trading project in Tanzania

We are a company based in South Africa with carbon trading projects all over Africa. We have recently taken interest in the Tanzania carbon trading market after hearing about its great potential. What are the requirements for an investor to start a carbon trading project in Tanzania? RD, South Africa The legal framework for carbon […]

Vaccination of children and pregnant women

We are a Tanzanian couple expecting our first child and have been reading research findings that are against vaccination. We do not believe vaccinations are safe and we would want to avoid this if possible. Is it a legal requirement for children and pregnant women to get vaccination in Tanzania? ES, Rukwa Congratulations on your […]

Q&A – 22 April 2024

Sexual favours as a bribe I am an adult male resident of Morogoro having several university degrees but no job. Nonetheless, I remain hopeful and keep applying for jobs. Recently, I was called for an interview by a very prominent company in Tanzania. After the interview, one of the interviewers (a lady) approached me asking […]

False information on social media

I am a law abiding citizen and have noticed that some Tanzanians have a habit of putting false information on social media. My concern is that these people are not afraid at all as and will continue to do so. What is the position of the law when it comes to this? Kindly enlighten me.  […]

Restitution of gift in contemplation of marriage

I am a young businessman based in Arusha. This year has been a tragic one for me. I gave my fiancé a diamond ring for our engagement. However before we could get married, my fiancé died in a car accident and now I want to recover the engagement ring from her family. To my surprise, […]

Q&A – 15 April 2024

Gender scan before birth We are an expatriate couple expecting our second child while in Tanzania. During our first pregnancy, we could not have a gender scan because the laws of our country of work prohibit such scans.  We want to know if gender determination before birth is allowed in Tanzania. Please guide us. LM, […]

Plastic surgery in Tanzania

As a law-abiding citizen, I have noted an increase in the number of hospitals offering plastic surgery in Tanzania. My problem with this is that plastic surgery encourages people to alter their appearance which is not good for security reasons. Does the law allow people to change their appearance as they please? Enlighten me on […]

Reward for return of stolen property

I am a car dealer based in Dar es Salaam. Last month we had an unfortunate incident and two expensive cars were stolen from our showroom. The surveillance cameras did not reveal anything. Moreover, even the guards did not see anything suspicious. We have reported the incident to the police but so far have not […]

Q&A – 8 April 2024

Next friend of a minor I am a writer based in Arusha and most of my work is based on fiction with inspiration from reality. A recent Court case has inspired me to write a novel where a child star, who was working for a prominent production company in the country, is currently suing the […]

Break at work

We are employees working for a hospital in one of the districts in Dodoma. Due to the scarcity of medical personnel, we usually do not have breaks and this can be very exhausting. We have talked to the hospital management without any positive outcome. What does the law say about breaks at work? EU, Dodoma […]

Passenger Briefing in Aircraft

I am a businesswoman based in Mwanza and travel a lot due to the nature of my business. Most of the time I prefer flying because it fits with my tight schedule. I have noticed that pilots and crew in aircrafts usually brief passengers on safety measures and other important information. Last week I was […]

Q&A – 1 April 2024

Law enforcement attire in a play I am a university student studying fine and performing arts at one of the universities in Tanzania. At the end of last semester, students in my degree programme were required to perform a play before a departmental committee as part of a lecture assignment. One of the groups in […]

Marriage Ceremony without Witnesses

We are a couple based in Dar es Salaam. Our age difference has been a problem from the start of our relationship and my fiancé and I have faced strong resistance from our respective families and friends. Despite this resistance, we intend to secretly get married.  Is it possible to get married without inviting family […]

Selling Noxious Food

I am a fish trader based in Dodoma. Lately, business has been difficult due to frequent power outages. Most of the fish in the freezer storage usually go bad and we resort to throwing away these fish. Surprisingly, last week I heard from my fellow traders that restaurant businesses are willing to buy rotten fish […]

Qualifications for Legal Aid

I am a farmer based in Rukwa. Most of the produce from my farm is used for subsistence and the rest is usually traded for basic household items. I also own a tractor which I rent out to other farmers in my village. I have a legal dispute with one of my neighbors over the […]

Q&A – 25 March 2024

Age limit for marriage I am a healthy 80 year old man and have a 29 year old girlfriend. Just as I was planning to get married, my cousin who is a self-proclaimed bush lawyer says that I am above the age for marriage especially considering that there is a 51-year gap between us. He says there is […]

Action against employee facing criminal charges

We are a manufacturing company based in Ruvuma. It has come to our knowledge that one of our employees is facing criminal charges after he was found in possession of a government trophy. Our Company does not want to be associated with such a person because we want to safeguard our reputation. Is it lawful […]

Interest in joint occupied land

I recently attended a seminar on estate planning and wills which inspired me to get my affairs in order and write a will so that in case of my demise my family is not inconvenienced. However, there is a slight dilemma. I have a piece of land located in Dodoma which is jointly owned by […]

Code of ethics for data protection

I am an administrative officer for a private hospital based in Dar es Salaam. Our hospital has codes of ethics for employees which amongst others prohibit abuse of patient personal data. However, recently there have been regulatory developments concerning protection of personal data in Tanzania. I believe these changes may necessitate the need to review […]

Q&A – 18 March 2024

Repatriation of prostitute I heard that a lady from a foreign country was repatriated back to her home country because she was indulging in prostitution in Tanzania. I would like to know if prostitution is a crime in Tanzania and if it was proper to repatriate the lady who entered legally in Tanzania simply because […]

Q&A – 11 March 2024

Use of personal data We are a new business firm based in Mwanza and want to launch a website and mobile app to expand our reach to customers. When customers visit our website or use our loyalty app, we intend to collect certain personal data and use it for a specific purpose like improving their […]