Entries by fbadmin1

Amount paid without loan agreement

A friend of mine, residing in Mwanza, wanted a small loan from me of TZS 2M. Being the gentleman that I am, I remitted the funds through his bank account, whereby I got a deposit slip. He also called me and acknowledged receipt of the funds. It is now six months later and, there are […]

Suing on foreign ground

Upon reaching our destination overseas, we had to take a shuttle from the landing strip to the designated terminal. In the shuttle, I held on to the handle for support which snapped when the driver braked sharply. I fell on my back and hit my head on the ground. This resulted in me sustaining serious […]

Wife wants divorce

My wife and I are happily married until recently, when she started retrieving my pre-marriage emails and found some romantic mails with my previous girlfriend. She says that I should have told her about this before marriage. I responded that she had never asked, and that I have never communicated with the ex after marriage. […]

Entitlements upon divorce

I have been married ten years, am sick of my husband and want a divorce. I have been a stay-home wife and have not financially contributed directly to the acquisition of various properties that my husband acquired during the pendency of marriage. He always used to tell me that I had brought good luck to […]

Will not signed by lawyer

My lawyer has not signed my Will and is now dead. Does that invalidate my Will? I am really worried, as I do not want to leave an invalid Will. Please guide me? 2 January 2012 First and foremost, there is no requirement that your Will must be signed by your lawyer. Hence, it does […]

Hunting during closed season

Does Tanzania have months where hunting is not allowed? How does one get permission to hunt during that season? 16 January 2012 In Tanzania, the hunting seasons lasts for about six months of the year. The rest of the year is known as the closed season. According to the Wildlife Conservation Act 2009, the Director […]

Permit for borehole

I own a big triple story house in Upanga, and wish to construct a borehole in my property. My question is: why should I have to get a permit for something I want to do on my own land? Is it not in breach of my constitutional freedom? What should I do? 16 January 2012 […]

Powers under Antiquities Act

I live in Musoma, in a very historic area that is surrounded by various structures that were built or came into existence decades ago. About four months ago, officers from the Antiquities Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism came to our place to inspect what they said was a monument on my […]

HIV compulsory testing

I applied for a job as a receptionist in a company in Dar and was accepted after undergoing a vigorous interview. I was then informed to go to a designated hospital and get my blood tests done. When I went to hospital, the attending lab technician took my blood and attached it to a form […]

Fat-free restaurant misleading

I have been in the restaurant business for the last 30 years. Six months ago, another restaurant opened next to me. The restaurant’s name is the Kula Chakula bila Mafuta Restaurant. In English, this means “Come eat fat-free food restaurant”. The restaurant’s name may say it is fat-free food, but it sells deep-fried chicken, chips, […]

Breach of contract

I entered into a contract with a party that made an advance payment, and other interim payments, but then failed to pay the final installment, which is now overdue. After following up with them for many months, and without any response, this party has referred the matter to arbitration. I find it quite shocking that […]