Entries by fbadmin1

Keeping drivers records

I own two taxis in the city of Dar es Salaam and employ two drivers. Last month, one of my drivers was involved in an accident and ran away. To this date, he is still at large. Strangely, police officers came to me and requested written records of the name and driving license number of […]

Power of attorney in divorce

I am a Tanzanian married woman with two children. Due to my husband’s infidelity, our marriage has now become unbearable. Just as he will not accept sharing me with someone, I cannot accept sharing him with someone, this is not what marriage is about. To add to the trouble, my husband has a child with […]

Extra zero in contract price

I entered into a contract where the contract price was supposed to be TZS 11M but we entered the contract price with an additional zero in the local purchase order i.e. TZS 110M. We paid the supplier the TZS 11M, but they are now claiming in Court that we have underpaid him and is demanding […]

Taxability of donation amounts

Over the many years, I have contributed to a charitable institution in Dar, which the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) says has been improperly registered. I was a major donor of food items to the institution. I also supply these food items to the market, which is my main line of my business. The TRA has […]

Director involved in fraud

I am a director and shareholder in a manufacturing company in Tanzania. The Managing Director (MD), who is also a shareholder and director, has been playing with the company funds and hiding a lot of entries within the books of accounts. This was picked up recently by an independent auditor, where it was also found […]

Refusal of creditor to accept money

A few years back I borrowed money from a friend of mine, payable with interest six months down the line. When the payment date came, I went to him but he refused to take the money for unclear reasons. At first, it seemed like a friendly gesture, but then it did not seem to be […]

Theft on my mobile

I got a message from a cell number informing me that I had won a lottery of TZS 50M. I was also told that I should send a certain message to a particular number. I was quite excited and proceeded to do as instructed. I then got another message, asking me to reload my phone […]

Hair cut too short

I went to my barber and asked him to slightly trim my hair and moustache. He trimmed my hair too short and ended up cutting half of my moustache. I had no choice but to get the other half removed. When I threatened him with legal action, he said I had no contract with him. […]