Entries by fbadmin1

Forced to work on Saturdays

I am a youth who has recently secured a job on permanent term contract in a local company based in Southern Tanzania. According to the Company’s Human Resources Policy, Saturday is a working day. However, I am a Christian of Seventh Day Adventist who does not work on Saturday because of my faith, Saturday is […]

Q&A – 28 October 2024

Mango tree troubles My neighbour has a mango tree located near our shared fence. Over the years, the tree has grown so much that some of its branches hangover my side of the fence and as a result the leaves, flowers and fruits on these branches fall on my yard. The problem is that my […]

Lottery won, but not paid

I purchased a lottery ticket last month and a few days later I saw my numbers posted on the live broadcast of the lottery game. I was very excited and immediately called a friend who recommended I record the live broadcast as evidence of me winning. The next day, I went to the office of […]

Mango tree troubles

My neighbour has a mango tree located near our shared fence. Over the years, the tree has grown so much that some of its branches hangover my side of the fence and as a result the leaves, flowers and fruits on these branches fall on my yard. The problem is that my neighbour does not […]

Ordered to move graves

I saw a notice in a public place about removing graves to pave way for construction of a road in one of the municipalities of our region. This notice had some irregularities, the main ones being it was issued as an order and not as a notice of intention as required under the law. Further, […]

Are bank card numbers personal data?

I am an officer working for a prominent bank in Tanzania. I was reading a popular magazine on the banking sector in Africa when I saw an article that stated bank card information is personal data. I carefully read this piece but could not find the basis of why simple numbers on a card can […]

My neighbour is provoking me

My neighbour is currently constructing a block fence and has exceeded the boundary marks and beacons placed in our lands. Worse, he has removed these beacon marks and I do not know where they are. What recourse do I have against this provocative act? Please guide me. LK, Lindi We are sorry to hear about […]

Q&A – 21 October 2024

My neighbour is provoking me My neighbour is currently constructing a block fence and has exceeded the boundary marks and beacons placed in our lands. Worse, he has removed these beacon marks and I do not know where they are. What recourse do I have against this provocative act? Please guide me. LK, Lindi We […]

Husband wants son to carry legacy

I am a married woman who has been blessed with four daughters. I am happy to have children regardless of gender. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same about my husband. Being a prominent businessman, he is adamant that we should try for another child (hopefully a son) to protect our business properties from being acquired […]

Q&A – 14 October 2024

Illegally obtained cautioned statements  I am a law student studying at one of the universities in Iringa. A relative of mine was involved in a crime. Since I know the law, I was involved with the follow-up on his case and one thing that troubled me was that the police took his cautioned statement, however, […]

Euthanasia to end suffering

I am a patient suffering from a terminal disease. I have travelled to several countries in the hope of finding a cure for my disease. Despite these efforts, the doctors have informed me that I have at least one year to live. This was very sad considering that I recently got married to the love […]

Illegally obtained cautioned statements 

I am a law student studying at one of the universities in Iringa. A relative of mine was involved in a crime. Since I know the law, I was involved with the follow-up on his case and one thing that troubled me was that the police took his cautioned statement, however, the statement fell short […]

Q&A – 7 October 2024

Wife impregnated by third party I got married in haste after finding out my girlfriend (now my wife) was pregnant. We both come from very religious families and it was important to tie the knot before anyone discovered the pregnancy. To my disbelief, my wife gave birth to a child who is mixed race.  She […]

Wife impregnated by third party

I got married in haste after finding out my girlfriend (now my wife) was pregnant. We both come from very religious families and it was important to tie the knot before anyone discovered the pregnancy. To my disbelief, my wife gave birth to a child who is mixed race.  She claims mixed race blood runs […]

Publication of photography of a child

There is a Court case involving a child that has been trending in the media. While the details of the case are clearly stated, there is no information or photo of the child provided in the media. Even where the child is shown, the images are blurred and concealed. I was wondering whether this action […]

Pleaded guilty to reduce a sentence

My son was involved in a crime. This was very stressful to our family since our son faced the potential of going to jail for a long time at the expense of his education. To avoid a long sentence, our lawyer advised my son to plead guilty so as to reduce the potential sentence. To […]

Creating a national park

I read in a tourism magazine that Tanzania is the leading African country in terms of the number of national parks. This information has made me curious on how national parks are created. Please guide me. GH, Manyara According to section 3 of the National Parks Act [Cap. 282 R.E. 2002] (the Act), the President […]

Neighbourhood watch military group

Armed robbery is a big problem in our area. Every year we witness a number of incidents in our neighbourhood and had a meeting where someone suggested we raise a neighbourhood watch group who will be trained and equipped to operate as a military force. Many people seconded this idea because we believe it will give […]

Q&A – 30 September 2024

Divorcing a concubine I contracted a customary marriage with a woman in my village. Soon after, I left the village to start a new life in the city of Dar es Salaam. I have been living with another woman as husband and wife and we have been blessed with two children. Unfortunately, this city woman […]

Divorcing a concubine

I contracted a customary marriage with a woman in my village. Soon after, I left the village to start a new life in the city of Dar es Salaam. I have been living with another woman as husband and wife and we have been blessed with two children. Unfortunately, this city woman no longer wants […]

Plastic bag confiscated at airport

I invited a group of friends from Europe to visit me in Tanzania. Unfortunately, on arrival at Kilimanjaro International Airport, they were harassed at the checkpoint for carrying plastic bags in their luggage. My friends allowed the airport staff to confiscate their bags and later told me about this terrible experience. I think this is […]