Entries by fbadmin1

TRA accompanied by Police

I am a law-abiding citizen residing in Dar es Salaam. Recently, a customs officer from the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) conducted a routine inspection in one of the municipalities in our region. The officer noticed a vehicle that appeared to have been smuggled into the country without paying the necessary duties. The officer attempted to […]

Marriage ceremony without witnesses

I am a young businessman based in Lindi and wish to marry an elderly woman who recently divorced her husband. Because of our age difference, my fiancé and I have faced strong resistance from our respective families. Despite this resistance, we intend to get married secretly. Is it possible to get married without inviting family […]

Subrogation of insurance

We are an insurance company based in Morogoro. Our client, who owned a very expensive car, was involved in a motor vehicle accident with a passenger bus of a famous transportation company (whose name we wish not to disclose). Our client had insured his vehicle under comprehensive insurance coverage with us. We promptly paid our […]

Conviction on circumstantial evidence

My aunt was convicted of murder just because she was the first person to find the deceased. According to her, she visited her friend’s house only to find a naked body in the living room. To preserve the dignity of her friend, she decided to dress her up before calling the neighbours and the police. […]

Q&A – 9 December 2024

Marriage ceremony without witnesses I am a young businessman based in Lindi and wish to marry an elderly woman who recently divorced her husband. Because of our age difference, my fiancé and I have faced strong resistance from our respective families. Despite this resistance, we intend to get married secretly. Is it possible to get […]

Cancellation of TIN

I recently changed the name of the business I bought from a colleague. Last week, Tanzania Revenue Authority officers inspected the business and warned me that the TIN number would be cancelled because of the name change. I do not think this is fair. Why should TRA cancel the TIN? I carefully ensured my new […]

Bad luck Python

We encountered a very big python on a recent trip through a famous forest reserve in our district. Our first instinct was to kill it, but the driver was hesitant due to his superstitious beliefs about pythons. While debating our next move, a forest patrol car passed by and did nothing to the giant snake. […]

Q&A – 2 December 2024

Bad luck Python We encountered a very big python on a recent trip through a famous forest reserve in our district. Our first instinct was to kill it, but the driver was hesitant due to his superstitious beliefs about pythons. While debating our next move, a forest patrol car passed by and did nothing to […]

Tailored suit versus legal suit

I run a tailoring business focusing on corporate attire. We make high-end suits for many corporate clients, including law firms. One day, a junior team member at the office joked that tailors and lawyers are the same because we all deal in suits. Of course, we had a good laugh about it in the office. […]

Consequences for adultery

I have recently found myself in trouble for adultery. My wife discovered I had another family with a woman in my office two weeks ago. She threatened to report me to the police despite pleading with her to reconsider this. Fast forward to last week, she met a lawyer friend who advised her to sue […]

Evidence of expert witness

I was a witness in a construction case. The opposing party brought an expert witness who acted in two roles: structural engineer for the project and project consultant. The Court admitted this evidence. Nonetheless, the dual roles played by the expert witness seem questionable in terms of the impartiality of his opinion. I cannot stop […]

Law for social media influencers

The growing trend of social media influencers is concerning. Every day, you hear stories about social media influencers posting something problematic and controversial. For example, a social media influencer was trending this past week because he encouraged youth to join his business and forget about their education. This group of people are dangerous to our […]

Q&A – 25 November 2024

Law for social media influencers The growing trend of social media influencers is concerning. Every day, you hear stories about social media influencers posting something problematic and controversial. For example, a social media influencer was trending this past week because he encouraged youth to join his business and forget about their education. This group of […]

Q&A – 18 November 2024

Time limitation for compensation claim Four years ago, I was approached by our village leaders who informed me that a certain foreign donor needed land for free  to construct a nursery school. They told me that my contribution will be an acre and that other villagers will donate the rest of the parcel of land […]

Senene International Trade Fair

Last month I attended a festival organized by the people originating from Kagera region and who speak Kihaya, the area popularly known as Buhaya. The festival was called ‘Buhaya Festival’. It was a big event which attracted the attendance of Tanzanian leadership. Despite the glamorous exhibition of Buhaya foods, outfits and dancing styles, I was […]

Time limitation for compensation claim

Four years ago, I was approached by our village leaders who informed me that a certain foreign donor needed land for free  to construct a nursery school. They told me that my contribution will be an acre and that other villagers will donate the rest of the parcel of land which the donor required. Overwhelmingly, […]

Time limit for prosecuting sexual harassment

There is a famous musician in a foreign country who is currently facing allegations of sexual harassment. From what I have heard, some of the women coming forward with these sexual harassment claims surprisingly allege the act occurred more than twenty years ago. While I do not condone the harassment, I cannot help but wonder […]

Death sentence on a minor

My son was involved in a street gang which compromised his behaviour. 5 years ago, he found himself in trouble at school for causing the death of a fellow student. He was a sixteen year old minor when the killing occurred. The case against him took years to be decided. He is now an adult […]

Canine evidence

My brother is accused of murder. During the trial, the prosecution relied on evidence of a police tracker who was enlisted to assist with the investigation a few hours following the murder. The prosecution’s case was that the tracker dog was exposed to items at the crime scene where it picked up a human scent […]

Q&A – 11 November 2024

Canine evidence My brother is accused of murder. During the trial, the prosecution relied on evidence of a police tracker who was enlisted to assist with the investigation a few hours following the murder. The prosecution’s case was that the tracker dog was exposed to items at the crime scene where it picked up a […]

Incest by children under the age of 18 years

I found a daughter of my co-wife who is 17 years old having sexual intercourse with my son who is 15 years old. I reported the incident to the Police for them to charge the girl with the offence of having prohibited sexual relationship with my son because she is older than my son. To […]

Simba Yanga fans fight in public

My brother is a Simba Sports Club fan. A few weeks ago, while watching a match between Yanga and Simba in a bar, he exchanged harsh words with a Yanga fan which led to a fight between the two. Other fans who were watching the match arrested the two and took them to the Police […]

Q&A – 4 November 2024

Simba Yanga fans fight in public My brother is a Simba Sports Club fan. A few weeks ago, while watching a match between Yanga and Simba in a bar, he exchanged harsh words with a Yanga fan which led to a fight between the two. Other fans who were watching the match arrested the two […]