Entries by fbadmin1

Q&A – 15 May 2023

Child DNA causes mess with girlfriend I have been sued by my former girlfriend who claims costs for maintaining a child she claims to be mine. Since I know all facts about my ‘abilities’, I disputed the paternity of the child. The Court ordered the child’s blood sample and my blood sample to be collected […]

Q&A – 1 May 2023

Required depth of a water well Due to an inconsistent supply of water by the authority in my town, I decided to hand-dig a water well within my plot in order to get a reliable source of water for domestic consumption. In digging the water well, I was fortunately able to reach the water table […]

Repayment of student’s loan

I was enrolled at a university for a three year program leading to a bachelor’s degree but was unable to graduate as I was discontinued in the third year for failure to attain the required GPA. In order to sustain a living, I decided to start a small business as a hawker which I have […]

Buyer not bound to return rejected goods

I am a small scale trader of garments in one of the townships in Muleba. I normally order garments from a wholesale trader who operates in Dar es Salaam. I send my orders via whatsapp messages and afterwards transfer money in his bank account when he confirms the availability of the required garments. The garments […]

Organizing animal fights

We used to have monthly bullfighting events in our village. Villagers paid entrance fees to enter the village stadium and the owner of the winning bull used to be awarded a handsome amount of money. Recently, the newly appointed and inexperienced Livestock Officer has prohibited the monthly bull fighting galas in a pretext that the […]

Q&A – 24 April 2023

Interfaith marriages not prohibited in Tanzania My parents and I are dedicated Christians of Roman Catholic denomination. I have been in love with a Muslim lady for almost a decade now, as we met for the first time in high school in Kenya. I want to tie a knot with her but my parents are […]

Death sentence against a pregnant woman

I am a first-year law student currently studying criminal law Can the Court pronounce a death sentence against a pregnant woman? Would that not be inhumane? TP, Dodoma According to section 26(1) of the Penal Code, where a woman convicted of an offence punishable with death is alleged to be pregnant, the Court shall order that […]

Colonial time documents in possession

My late father was an employee of the the colonial government. He had in his possession some documents which he claimed to be very important documents that he carefully kept. After his death, we have continued keeping the documents in a safe. Recently, we were approached by some officials who claimed to be from the […]

Q&A – 17 April 2023

Monday extra holiday I am based in the Middle East and am intending to invest in Tanzania. When I was doing my own research, I was informed that in Tanzania whenever a public holiday falls on a Saturday or a Sunday the following working day shall be a public holiday to compensate for the said […]

Fines for non-registration of loan with BoT

Am an investor from abroad doing dairy farming and have recently established my company in Tanzania with my offices in Mufindi, Iringa. Once my company is fully operational, I expect to be one of the main producers and exporters of dairy products such as milk, cheese, curd, cream and other dairy products. I have arranged […]

Burial of people dying of infectious diseases

At the beginning of the Corona outbreak I could see the deceased being buried by the City Council instead of relatives transporting the dead bodies to their home villages for burial as is the custom for many tribes in Tanzania. Is there any law that bars transportation of the dead bodies of people who died […]

Q&A – 10 April 2023

Control of cash from Zanzibar to Mainland I am a Zanzibari living abroad but have recently come back to Zanzibar. I would like to know the procedure a person is required to follow if he wants to enter Mainland Tanzania from Zanzibar with cash or cheque whose value exceeds USD 30,000 especially if the bearer […]

Defendant called by the Plaintiff as a witness

A company in which I am a managing director has a civil suit with an individual who is the plaintiff in the suit and our company is the defendant. I have received a summons from Court requiring me to attend the Court as the plaintiff’s witness. Can I refuse to attend the Court as plaintiff’s […]

Keeping pigs in urban areas

I own a one-acre farm within the municipality which I use for rearing pigs. I have been confronted by officers of the Municipal Council who are questioning me if I have a permit from the Municipal Council which allows me to keep pigs within the municipality. May I know if there is any legal requirement […]

Q&A – 3 April 2023

Spitting pariki in restaurant area I was visited by city health officers who came to my restaurant while they were in the course of their routine health inspection. They asked me why I have not posted a public notice in the restaurant warning customers not to spit within the restaurant premises. I have never seen […]

New law protecting investors

I am a South African and was aspiring to invest in your country in the year 2022. In 2021, I hired a consulting firm to undertake a due diligence procedure, mainly on the laws affecting investors in Tanzania. The consultant presented the report in February 2022. Apart from reporting about the existence of the employment […]

Q&A – 27 March 2023

Bequeath to unborn illegitimate child My father was a Christian and died three years ago but left a controversial Will. Apart from leaving a big portion of his properties to me and my sister, who are legitimate children, the Will spelled out that one of his houses located in Shinyanga was to be inherited by […]

Prostitution and human trafficking

I am quite concerned about my neighbour who seems to bring in ladies from all across East Africa and the far east and keeps them in his house. I see men come in and out all the time. I bumped into one of the ladies at the kiosk where she was not supposed to visit […]

Law doesn’t name Minister

If there is a law that refers to the Minister, how do I know which Minister is being referred to? Can there be reference to two Ministers in one law? UY, Tabora The Interpretation of Laws Act clarifies this that reference in a written law to the Minister shall be construed: (a)  in the case […]

Father dead, properties being misused

My father passed away few weeks ago without leaving behind a Will. Since I am the first born and our mother predeceased my father, we agreed with my young brothers and sisters that I should apply for a letter of administration of his estate. Before the grant of the letter of administration, a woman appeared […]