A divorced spouse continues to use NHIF beneficiary card

I was married to a public servant but we have now divorced. My spouse is a NHIF member and I have a NHIF beneficiary card given to me as a spouse of the member. Despite the divorce, my former spouse has not demanded the return of the NHIF card. Am I allowed to continue using the NHIF despite not being the spouse of the NHIF member?
SA, Mpanda

Under section 11 of the National Health Insurance Act [Cap.395 R.E 2015] a member of NHIF is covered with her/his spouse. Once someone ceases to be a spouse, she/he is disqualified from holding and using NHIF beneficiary card as a spouse. It is the duty of the member to return the beneficiary identification card of the divorced spouse to the Fund. It is an offence under regulation 7(4) of the National Health Insurance Regulations, 2002 as amended by Government Notice No.11 of 2010 to use an unreturned card for the purpose of obtaining health services.