Husband took second wife without informing me
I have been married for 12 years and have three children with my husband. Last month, I found out he secretly married a second wife. He didn’t tell me anything—I heard it from a relative. When I confronted him, he said it was his right as a man and that I should accept it. I feel betrayed and humiliated. I don’t know what to do. What are my rights in this situation? Can I also get married to another man in parallel?
AH, Tanga
Matters concerning marriage are governed by the Law of Marriage Act, Cap. 29 [R.E 2019] (LMA). The LMA recognises two kinds of marriage: those that are monogamous or intended to be monogamous, and those that are polygamous or potentially polygamous. A marriage contracted in Tanzania may be converted from monogamous to potentially polygamous and vice versa, as per the requirements of the law. Polygamy is legal for Muslims and recognised under customary law. You have legal options depending on how your marriage was registered. If you had a monogamous civil or Christian marriage, his second marriage is illegal, as no marriage between two Christians, which was celebrated in a church in Christian form, may be converted from monogamous to polygamous, for as long as both parties continue to profess the Christian faith, and you could take legal action.
If your marriage allows for polygamy, you still have rights post his second marriage. Section 63 of the LMA requires a husband to provide equally for all of his wives. Having said this, we encourage you to seek emotional support. As for you getting married in ‘parallel’, unfortunately under the LMA that is not allowed.
Your lawyer can guide you further on your rights.