Picture of head of state
I can see that all public offices have pictures of the head of state. Further, the pictures are with another picture of the father of the nation Mwalimu Julius Nyerere. Is this a legal requirement, or is it done out of respect? Please enlighten me.
PK, Dodoma
Congratulations on being such an attentive observer! It is a legal requirement to place the pictures of the head of state and father of the nation in public offices. The Standing Orders for the Public Service, 2009, established under section 35(5) of the Public Service Act, Cap. 298, states that the official portrait of the President of the United Republic of Tanzania shall be placed on the wall above the desk of the public servant in all Government offices. Further, the official portrait of the father of the nation, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere, the first President of the United Republic of Tanzania, shall be placed on the wall in all Government offices so that it faces that of the President of the United Republic. It is said that the pictures of the two respected leaders are displayed facing each other to show that the head of state is following Nyerere’s vision and advice. We believe it is important to show respect to our esteemed leaders; this is why the law mandates us to honour them in this manner. You may read the Standing Orders for further clarity.