Dating two men at the same time 

I am a single beauty queen who has been dating two men simultaneously. A friend of mine says that this practice is illegal and that I either disclose this to the men I am dating so that they know or stop dating one of them. I want to do neither and stick to the two men, as each has the advantage of being dated. I fail to understand why the law would stop me from doing what I want to? After all, this is very common with men. Please guide me, as I don’t think my friend makes sense and I don’t want to end up getting depressed.
AA, Dar es Salaam

This is an interesting question! Your question brings to light the differences between what is considered moral and what is legal. Something can be morally wrong without being legally wrong. In many faiths and cultures, dating two men simultaneously is seen as morally unacceptable although this might be changing nowadays.

On the legal front, it is not illegal to date two men simultaneously in Tanzania, as there is no law prohibiting it. However, doing so may affect various aspects of your life, including your faith, culture, health, etc. Be mindful of the potential repercussions if these men discover each other’s existence. We cannot speculate on their potential actions, but it may not end well. Perhaps this is the reason why your friends are concerned about these relationships.

Remember, if one of the relationships becomes serious and leads to marriage considerations, there may be legal repercussions. For instance, the man may have grounds to sue for gifts given in contemplation of marriage as provided under the Law of Marriage Act, Cap. 29 [R.E 2019] upon learning the truth. Overall, we wish you all the best and advise you to navigate these relationships with caution. You may also need counselling, which this QnA does not provide. In any case you may consult your lawyer for further guidance.