Wife impregnated by third party

I got married in haste after finding out my girlfriend (now my wife) was pregnant. We both come from very religious families and it was important to tie the knot before anyone discovered the pregnancy. To my disbelief, my wife gave birth to a child who is mixed race.  She claims mixed race blood runs in her family but I do not believe this since I know three generations of her family. I cannot live with this betrayal and want to end my marriage to her.  Please help me.
JK, Shinyanga

We are sorry to hear about your family problems. The Law of Marriage Act, [Cap. 29 R. E. 2019] is the leading authority on all matters related to marriages. According to section 39(a)(iv), a marriage is voidable if at the time of the marriage the wife was pregnant by some person other than the husband.  In this case, the marriage will be considered valid until it is annulled by a decree of the Court. Section 96 and 97 state that a petition for annulment of a marriage may be brought by one of the parties to the marriage and where this is done, the  Court will have power to grant a decree of annulment in respect of any marriage which is voidable provided that where the petition is founded on an allegation that at the time of the marriage the respondent was pregnant by a person other than the petitioner, the Court will not grant a decree unless it is satisfied (i) that the petition was filed within one year of the date of the marriage; and (ii) that at the time of the marriage the petitioner was ignorant of the fact alleged; and (iii) that marital intercourse has not taken place with the consent of the petitioner since discovery by the petitioner of that fact. Your lawyer can guide you further on what route to take based on the above.