Online suppliers of services

There are so many online providers of various services in Mwanza but their physical address and registration status is unknown. Is there no requirement for consumers to know who they are and where they operate from? I say so as many of these service providers don’t deliver what they promise and it is impossible to trace them.
PM, Mwanza

Under the Electronic Transactions Act, a supplier offering goods or services for sale, hire or for exchange electronically, shall provide the following information to consumers- full name, legal status and place of business; contact details including physical address, telephone and e-mail addresses; a full description of the goods or services offered; the price of the goods or services; information on the payment mechanism that complies with other written laws; and any other relevant information.

The Act states that before a consumer places an order, the supplier shall provide the consumer with an opportunity to- review the entire electronic transaction; correct any mistake; and withdraw from the transaction. Where a supplier contravenes this, the consumer may, within 14 days of receiving the goods or services, cancel the transaction.

Further, any person doing such a business in Tanzania must, at the bare minimum, have a tax identification number and issue an electronic fiscal receipt for tax purposes.