Forged academic certificates transmitted electronically

We advertised an employment vacancy for the position of the head of operations and several expatriates applied for the position. They submitted their requisite academic certificates electronically to prove their qualifications. We then shortlisted and interviewed some expatriates via zoom and employed the one we found to be most qualified. Later on, and after he had reported, we came to learn that the expatriate we hired submitted forged documents. Where should we lodge our complaint? Can this expatriate be prosecuted here in Tanzania or can he only be prosecuted in the country he was in when he transmitted the forged documents electronically to Tanzania at the time of applying for the job?
FT, Iringa

Based on section 7 of the Penal Code [Cap.16 R.E 2019] and section 30(1) of the Cybercrime Act, 2015, Tanzanian Courts’ have jurisdiction to hear and decide crimes whose commission were committed electronically partly abroad and partly committed in Tanzania. So if the offender is in Tanzania the company can report the incident to any nearby police station in Iringa for investigation and to take legal action against the offender despite the fact the offence was partly committed abroad and partly committed in Tanzania.