Mentally challenged wife
I celebrated a Christian marriage with a girl 5 years ago. Recently my wife fell sick with malaria and was mis-diagnosed and treated with wrong medication. She then fell into a coma and was hospitalized for 3 months before being discharged. Ever since her discharge she is mentally challenged and cannot eat, take a bath or walk on her own. I have tried very hard to adjust, but have failed to keep up with this. I wish to support her for life but wish to divorce her. Is this a good ground for divorce? What ground of divorce can I come up with to be successful?
JL, Mwanza
We are sorry to hear about your wife. We will take you down memory lane and remind you of the vows you made during your wedding ceremony when you undertook to live with your wife in any situation be it during happiness or sadness, sickness or good health. The same applies in law in that sickness is not a ground for divorce, separation or annulment of a marriage.
The case would have been different if your wife had this problem before you contracted your marriage and this was concealed from you. Had this been the case, your marriage would have been voidable and we could have advised you to go to Court for its annulment. Your lawyer can guide you further.